Pubdate: Thu, 13 Jul 2000
Source: Saint Paul Pioneer Press (MN)
Copyright: 2000 St. Paul Pioneer Press
Contact:  345 Cedar St., St. Paul, MN 55101
Author: Debra O'Connor, Staff Writer


Minnesota legislators led by Rep. Alice Hausman, DFL-St. Paul, sent a
letter Monday to  Gov. Jesse Ventura and Health Commissioner Jan
Malcolm that asks the administration to work with legislators on a
proposal that would allow marijuana to be used for medical purposes.

A Minnesota law permits research on medical marijuana use, but no such
program has been opened.  Bills that would let patients use marijuana
for medical reasons failed in 1999 and this year.  The legislators and
the Marijuana Policy Project in Washington, D.C., would like an
agreement before the next legislative session, said Richard Schmitz,
the project's director of state policies.

Ventura is in favor of the concept of using marijuana for medical
purposes in a legally controlled fashion, said spokesman John Wodele.

Legislators signing the letter were Hausman and -- Rep. Karen Clark,
DFL-Mpls; -- Rep. Andy Dawkins, DFL-St. Paul; -- Rep. Barbara Haake,
R-Mounds View; -- Rep. Peggy Leppik, R-Golden Valley; -- Rep. Len
Biernat, DFL-Mpls; -- Rep. Steve Trimble, DFL-St. Paul; -- Rep. Linda
Wejcman, DFL-Mpls; -- Sen. Ellen Anderson, DFL-St. Paul; -- Sen. Linda
Berglin, DFL-Mpls; -- Sen. Steve Kelley, DFL-Hopkins; -- Sen. Becky
Lourey, DFL-Kerrick; -- Sen. John Marty, DFL-Roseville; -- Sen. Pat
Piper, DFL-Austin; -- Sen. Larry Pogemiller, DFL-Mpls; -- Sen. Allan
Spear, DFL-Mpls
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