Pubdate: Thu, 02 Aug 2001
Source: Edmonton Sun (CN AB)
Copyright: 2001, Canoe Limited Partnership.
Author: Kevin Connor


Activist Says They'll Supply Pot If Doctors Don't

People who are terminally ill or in chronic pain will get the medical 
marijuana they need, even if a physician won't prescribe it, pot activists say.

On Tuesday, new federal regulations came into place that allow broader 
access to pot for patients whose quality of life could be improved by 

But the Alberta Medical Association warned doctors to "think twice" before 
making any pot prescriptions, because the benefits of the weed haven't been 

"There haven't been too many problems so far (having doctors refuse to fill 
out Health Canada marijuana request forms)," said Marie Kreiger, spokesman 
for the Grant W. Kreiger Cannabis Research Foundation, which supplies pot 
to people who are ill with AIDS or multiple sclerosis.

"If push comes to shove people will get it. If they come in with documented 
proof (of their illness) or in a wheelchair, we will help them."

The AMA was only preaching caution and shouldn't pose a long-term problem 
with supply, said Ken Kirk of the Marijuana Party of Alberta.

"Once doctors become educated about this, they will realize the research 
has already been done," said Kirk, adding neither he nor his party will 
help people get pot for medical purposes.

"I'm not going to wade into the compassion end of this because I'm into the 
political end of things.

"Besides, people can always go to a dealer on the street."
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom