Pubdate: Thu, 08 Nov 2001
Source: Vancouver Sun (CN BC)
Copyright: 2001 The Canadian Press
Author: Lisa Schmidt, Canadian Press


OTTAWA (CP) - Canadian Alliance MP Keith Martin says a majority of
federal politicians, including Liberals, support his private member's
bill calling for the decriminalization of marijuana. "I think the
government will be open to it," Martin, a medical doctor, said before
MPs began debating the bill Wednesday.

Bill C-344 would impose a system of fines - up to $1,000 - rather than
criminal penalties for possession of small amounts of pot.

Last month, the federal government said it will allow an open vote on
the subject, which will come at a later date. However, private members
bills rarely pass in the House of Commons.

Martin said about two-thirds of MPs have expressed support for his
bill , and recent polls have shown a wide majority of Canadians also
want decriminalization.

He also said he expects many open minds on the Liberal benches,
especially since the federal government approved the use of medicinal
marijuana this year.

Both Justice Minister Anne McLellan and Health Minister Allan Rock
have said it's time to discuss whether Canada's drug laws are outdated.

"I know we can't wait any longer," said Martin, adding he does not
support legalizing the drug.

Other countries that have adopted a similar strategy have not seen
drug use increase, he said, and have been able to redeploy police
resources to fight crime in other areas.

In Canada, the move could save $150 million on court costs annually,
Martin claimed.

"Today, post-Sept. 11, when we're trying to find money to go after
terrorists and to use to go after more serious villains such as
organized crime gangs we have to find money somewhere."

Canada's police chiefs and the RCMP have come out in favour of
decriminalization, although they say Martin's bill goes too far by
lowering some existing fines.

The Canadian Medical Association Journal has called on Ottawa to
decriminalize the possession of small amounts of marijuana for
personal use.

A small number of Canadians have obtained special permits to use
cannabis to relieve the symptoms of cancer, AIDS, multiple sclerosis
or epilepsy.

For anyone else, simple possession is a criminal offence.

The idea has come under fire from the Canadian Police Association,
which represents over 30,000 officers across the country.

Among MPs, Tory Leader Joe Clark has said he supports
decriminalization of marijuana in small amounts.

Both Commons and Senate committees are currently examining non-medical
drug use in Canada.
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MAP posted-by: Richard Lake