Pubdate: Sat, 07 Apr 2001
Source: Halifax Daily News (CN NS)
Copyright: 2001 The Daily News.
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Medicinal - Canada)


OTTAWA (CP) - Canada will become the only country in the world with a 
government-regulated system for using marijuana as medicine, under 
provisions unveiled yesterday.

The marijuana access program is being justified partly on compassionate 
grounds and partly as a scientific research effort, and is attracting 
little criticism even from social conservatives.

"When people are seriously ill and in severe pain we would support anything 
that would relieve their pain," said Diane Ablonczy of the Canadian 
Alliance. "Many people have found that smoking marijuana does do that."

Health Minister Allan Rock denied that the new rules are the "thin edge of 
the wedge" for legalizing marijuana.

"I don't buy that," Rock said outside the Commons.

"We've had medical access to heroin and morphine for a long time and it 
hasn't been the thin edge of the wedge for legalizing those drugs.

"I think people can distinguish in their own minds between, on the one 
hand, allowing medical access to marijuana and on the other hand allowing 
it to be used recreationally."

The proposed regulations would create three categories of patients, with 
different rules for each.

Easiest access would be for those expected to die within a year.

Next would be people suffering severe pain, nausea, anorexia, seizures, 
spasms or weakness from specified diseases including cancer, AIDS, multiple 
sclerosis and arthritis.

These patients would require a statement from a medical specialist saying 
conventional treatments have been tried and found inappropriate.

Patients with medical conditions not specified in the regulations would 
fall into a third category, and would have to obtain statements from two 

The proposed rules would not allow so-called "compassion clubs" that have 
sprung up in major cities to supply medical marijuana.

Every patient wishing to use medical pot would have to either grow it or 
designate another person to grow it for him or her.

A designated grower would not be allowed to supply more than three 
patients. Barry Burkholder, a Sudbury resident who suffers from hepatitis 
C, said the proposed rules sound very bureaucratic.

"It's probably another tactic for them to put some red tape in," he said.

Burkholder said many patients will have difficulty finding a doctor willing 
to support their application. The Health Department has for some time 
allowed special exemptions from the criminal ban on marijuana possession.

Patients say exemptions are hard to get.
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