Pubdate: Sat, 13 Jan 2001
Source: Chicago Sun-Times (IL)
Copyright: 2001 The Sun-Times Co.
Contact:  401 N. Wabash, Chicago IL 60611
Author: Dan Rozek


People who sell small amounts of Ecstasy and other "club drugs" would 
face bigger prison terms under legislation introduced in the General 
Assembly on Friday.

The bill would toughen club drug penalties so they match those 
applied to the sale of cocaine and heroin.

Drugs such as Ecstasy are becoming increasingly popular among 
teenagers. Three Chicago area youths died last year after taking 
another designer drug, PMA, which resembles Ecstasy.

The minimum prison term for selling 15 grams of cocaine and heroin is 
six years. Someone would have to sell 200 grams of Ecstasy--or about 
900 doses of the designer drug--to get the same sentence.

"Tougher penalties are required to send a message to those who intend 
to harm our children for the sake of lining their own pockets," House 
Minority Leader Lee Daniels (R-Elmhurst) said.

About a quarter of the drug cases prosecuted in DuPage County involve 
Ecstasy or other club drugs--and the number is rising sharply, said 
DuPage County State's Attorney Joseph Birkett, who backs the 

Longer prison terms probably would deter some dealers who prefer to 
sell club drugs because they carry lesser penalties, he said.

"Drug dealers know there's not a big downside," Birkett said.
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