Pubdate: Tue, 16 Jan 2001
Source: San Diego Union Tribune (CA)
Copyright: 2001 Union-Tribune Publishing Co.
Contact:  PO Box 120191, San Diego, CA, 92112-0191
Fax: (619) 293-1440
Author: Justin Pritchard, Associated Press


OAKLAND -- The two young officers who shot and killed an undercover 
colleague last week may have been new to the street, but theirs was not a 
rookie mistake, an Oakland police investigation has concluded.

Officers Tim Scarrott, 23, and Andrew Koponen, 29, acted properly when they 
fired 11 shots early Friday morning and killed Officer William "Willie" 
Wilkins, 29, homicide commander Lt. Paul Berlin said Monday.

"These officers discharged their weapons in a manner that they were trained 
to do," Berlin said. "These officers are good officers."

Partners Scarrott and Koponen fired after mistakenly concluding that 
Wilkins, who they did not know was a fellow officer, was about to shoot a 
suspected car thief he held at gunpoint.

Both Scarrott and Koponen served on Oakland's force a little more than a 
year. Berlin said Wilkins, a popular seven-year veteran, might have assumed 
they knew him by sight, which would explain why he never identified himself 
as an officer.

The incident could prompt the department to reform protocol for undercover 
operations, Berlin said.

Wilkins had chased an alleged car thief and was standing with a gun over 
the man when uniformed officers arrived. The two officers ordered Wilkins 
to drop his gun, Berlin said, but instead Wilkins stepped toward the 
suspected thief.

"The officers felt in their minds that the individual on the ground would 
be shot," Berlin said. "There was no recognition that they received 
whatsoever that (Wilkins) was an officer."

Wilkins did not appear to fire back, Berlin said.

Scarrott and Koponen are on indefinite paid administrative leave, Berlin said.

"They're heartbroken over what happened," Berlin said.

Wilkins was the first Oakland police officer killed on duty by a fellow 
officer, Berlin said. He is survived by his wife and 10-month-old son. His 
funeral is planned for Thursday.
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