Pubdate: Wed, 13 Jun 2001
Source: Indianapolis Star (IN)
Copyright: 2001 Indianapolis Newspapers Inc.
Author: Vic Ryckaert


Woman With Multiple Sclerosis Says Pot Eases Her Pain; Prosecutor Says 
She's Breaking The Law

Bedridden with multiple sclerosis, Jeanne A. Horton claims marijuana is the 
only thing that eases her chronic pain.

But her efforts to control her pain have gotten her into legal trouble. Now 
she's in Marion Superior Court, trying to persuade a judge to allow her to 
use marijuana for medicinal purposes.

"It helps substantially more than the medication that has been prescribed," 
said attorney Stephen W. Dillon, who was in court Tuesday with his 
41-year-old client. Dillon also is the chairman of the National 
Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.

Horton was diagnosed with the disease 17 years ago and has been unable to 
get out of bed for the past nine years, Dillon said. She was wheeled to the 
courtroom and leaned on supporters for assistance during her hearing, which 
was a routine appearance to set future court dates.

Horton is charged with possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia, 
misdemeanors that each carry a maximum sentence of a year in jail.

Marion County Prosecutor Scott Newman said he feels sympathy for Horton, 
but her illness does not excuse the fact that she broke the law.

"The medicinal use of marijuana is not recognized in this state," Newman 
said. Last month, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that federal law provides no 
exception for people to use marijuana for medical purposes.

Horton said her health has greatly improved since she started smoking pot 
in January. Proponents say the drug has been helpful in treating some 
illnesses by stimulating the appetite of people with AIDS, counteracting 
the nausea caused by chemotherapy, easing the pain of multiple sclerosis 
and helping to treat glaucoma.

"I felt a lot better -- less spasms, no aching in my joints, more mobility 
in my arms," she said. "It's not like I'm a dealer or anything like that, 
and I think it's a shame that it got way blown out of proportion like this."

The incident that led to charges against Horton happened on April 3, when 
Marion County sheriff's deputies were called to her home in the 5800 block 
of Fraser Court. There, three people -- Dillan L. Wright, 23; Blake A. 
Stokes, 18; and Janice L. Cronin, 18 -- were arrested when the deputies 
found a small bag of suspected marijuana, glass pipes, clips and rolling 
papers. Because Horton was bedridden, officers issued her a summons.

"Does she always invite her friends over to have her medicine?" Newman 
asked. "They had a pretty big medicine party."

There was no party, Horton said. It was a coincidence that guests happened 
to be visiting and were about to play cards. Horton was in another room in 
bed, and she said she did not know what was going on.
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