Pubdate: Thu, 14 Jun 2001
Source: Bangkok Post (Thailand)
Copyright: The Post Publishing Public Co., Ltd. 2001
Author: Temsak Traisophon


Young people need to be educated about the dangers of alcohol abuse, the 
chairman of a panel tasked with changing drug-related laws said yesterday.

Interior Minister Purachai Piamsomboon said new laws were unnecessary.

Revolutionary Order No 294 was enough to keep children away from alcoholic 
beverages and cigarettes.

The order prohibits selling or giving alcohol, cigarettes or other 
addictive drugs to a minor, or encouraging a minor to drink liquor, smoke 
or take any addictive drug, except under medical supervision.

The committee would concentrate on educating the young about the perils of 
alcohol, so they would be properly prepared, he said.

"A grown-up should teach them how to drink safely. For example, they should 
avoid drinking on an empty stomach.

"And people under 20 shouldn't be allowed to enter nightspots.

"We should work on this rather than issuing new laws," he said.

New regulations, to be enforced after cabinet endorsement, would make 
entertainment places off-limits to people under 20, part of measures to 
prevent drug abuse by youngsters.

Staff would be required to check ID of visitors or face hefty fines.

Mr Purachai said the panel was also considering changing the law to allow 
police to make official use of vehicles seized in drug cases.

A draft amendment zoning of nightspots was now being reviewed and the panel 
would decide on June 20 if further changes were needed.
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MAP posted-by: Larry Stevens