Pubdate: Tue, 19 Jun 2001
Source: Ft. Worth Star-Telegram (TX)
Copyright: 2001 Star-Telegram, Fort Worth, Texas
Author: Mark Thompson


An Attorney For The Former Cowboys Star Criticizes A Decision To Reopen The 

DENTON - A grand jury will consider evidence Thursday and decide whether to 
indict former Cowboys wide receiver Michael Irvin on cocaine and ecstasy 
possession counts, Irvin's attorney says he has been told by the Denton 
County district attorney.

First Assistant District Attorney Lee Ann Breeding would not say what cases 
are on Thursday's grand jury list. But if a Denton County grand jury is 
going to consider indicting Irvin on the drug counts, it would most likely 
do so before July 28, when the current grand jury term ends, she said.

Irvin's attorney, Howard Shapiro, said he took the initiative Monday to 
spread word of the potential hearing with his client's approval. That is 
because he and Irvin do not know why the former Cowboys star could face new 
charges 10 months after his arrest.

Irvin was arrested Aug. 9 on suspicion of misdemeanor marijuana possession. 
The arrest occurred after a federal drug task force that was trying to 
serve a warrant on a woman found Irvin in her north Dallas apartment, along 
with what they believed to be a marijuana cigarette, cocaine and the drug 

Police decided not to pursue a marijuana possession charge against Irvin.

Shapiro said Irvin did not possess any illegal substance. If prosecutors 
were going to charge his client with cocaine or ecstasy possession, they 
could have done so 10 months ago, he said.

"If these facts existed, they existed within 24 hours after he was 
arrested," Shapiro said.

The district attorney's office would not comment about which cases it 
intends to review at a specific hearing, Breeding said. But she said grand 
jurors will hear evidence on about 50 cases Thursday.

"They will hear evidence on all those cases, unless a witness is not 
available," Breeding said.
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