Pubdate: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 Source: West Australian (Australia) Copyright: 2001 West Australian Newspapers Limited Contact: Details: Author: Arnold Jago NO HANDOUTS A HEROIN trial would involve providing, on average, three injections a day for an addict. Trained staff for round-the-clock service could cost as much as $10,000 a year for each addict.* One might justify this expense if users were getting off drugs, but in the Swiss heroin trials, only 7 per cent of participants even attempted abstinence therapy.* Australia's Salvation Army rehabilitation programs do better than that - with 24 per cent abstinence rates.* Heroin handouts would be a step backwards. (*From Drug Precipice, edited by Athol Moffitt, UNSW Press, 1998, appendix C, page 203). ARNOLD JAGO, Mildura. - --- MAP posted-by: Larry Stevens