Pubdate: Fri, 06 Jul 2001
Source: Kelowna Capital News (BC)
Copyright: 2001, Kelowna Capital News Ltd.
Author: Alistair Waters


Kelowna's mayor may like the idea of a bylaw to fine landlords for the 
actions of their pot-growing tenants, but the city's director of planning 
is not so sure.

Ron Mattiussi, who oversees the department that would have to enforce such 
a bylaw, said making a bylaw to target landlords could be difficult.

"We will definitely explore what is being proposed, but any time you're 
trying to hold a third party liable, it's a little dicey," said 
Mattiussi."Speaking off the top of my head, I don't know if it's legal."

Kelowna Mayor Walter Gray told the Capital News earlier this week he likes 
the idea of a bylaw, which has already been done one Lower Mainland 

Despite criticism from civil libertarians, landlords and lawyers, 
councillors in Surrey recently passed a bylaw that allows that city to fine 
landlords who own property where marijuana growing operations are 
discovered by police up to $7,500.

Gray said he was "intrigued" by the idea, calling it a tool to fight drug 

Both the mayor and Mattiussi said home growing operations have become a 
problem in Kelowna and pose criminal, as well as safety, hazards.

With city manager Ron Born currently on holiday, Gray has dropped the issue 
looking at a bylaw here into Mattiussi's lap.

But the planning director said while he intends to review the Surrey bylaw 
and talk to the RCMP, his department is in no hurry to enact similar 
provision here.

"I'm not sure we will be aggressively pursuing enacting it," he said.

The Surrey bylaw allows for civic fines of up to $5,000 and an additional 
fine of up to $2,500 to cover police costs to be handed to landlords whose 
property is found to be housing a home growing operation.

Gray said such a move would put the onus on landlords to be more vigilant 
about who they rent to.
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