Pubdate: Sun, 08 Jul 2001
Source: The Dominion Post (WV)
Copyright: 2001 The Dominion Post
Author: Larry White


To the Editor:

With the passing of the Fourth of July, a celebration of liberty is still 
missing from the agenda. The ideology of liberty, which was the founding 
fathers' ideology, not liberalism or conservatism, is on attack from all 
fronts. The sad issue is that no one cares. People are more concerned with 
safety and feeling good about themselves than preserving liberty. Each 
political faction seems to think it is on a higher "moral ground" than the 
next. While we are distracted by fears of environmental disasters, 
uncontrolled crime and massive drug abuse, our liberties are disappearing. 
People voluntarily are willing to give up liberty for some sort of security 
promised by big government! Where is the logic in this? The bigger 
government gets the less liberty and privacy a citizen will have. Who is 
going to protect you against an all-powerful government if it abuses its power?

In this technological age the idea of personal liberty and responsibility 
are more important than ever. Advances in technology give government the 
ability to track our every financial transaction, phone and e-mail message, 
location and medical record. The ability to profile personality and 
spending habits is used every day. What could happen if government abused 
technologies under the premise that it is for your safety or own good? Does 
anyone see the danger in this?

The principles of liberty should be embraced in every citizen and defended 
by each citizen to the best of their ability. The fight for liberty will 
never end. The nature of the world is not in liberty. Tyranny and abuse are 
the natural order. Without each one of us defending the principles of 
liberty everyday, tyranny will thrive in the land of the free. I pray we 
snap out of our complacency before it is too late.

Larry White
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