Pubdate: Mon, 09 Jul 2001
Source: Tampa Tribune (FL)
Copyright: 2001, The Tribune Co.
Author: Ann Landers
Bookmark: (Ecstasy)


Dear Ann Landers: This is in response to the letter from DEA 
administrator Donnie Marshall about ecstasy.  The ecstasy knockoff 
known as PMA that has been taking the lives of young Americans is 
today's version of bathtub gin.  The black market has no controls for 
quality or user age.  Unlike legitimate businesses that sell alcohol, 
illegal drug dealers do not ask for ID.  They push trendy, synthetic 
"club drugs" when given the chance.  The drug war fails miserably at 
its primary mandate -- protecting children from drugs.

The Netherlands has successfully reduced overall drug use by 
regulating and taxing marijuana as a legal drug and establishing age 
controls. Politicians should stop worrying about the message drug 
policy reform sends and start thinking about the children.

- - -- Robert Sharpe, program officer, the Lindesmith Center-Drug 
Policy Foundation, Washington, D.C.

Dear Robert Sharpe: Thanks for your interesting viewpoint.  I hope 
your letter will wake up some of those "sleeping beauties." Here's 
more on the subject:

 From Dallas: Ecstasy is fun.  It gives you an overwhelming sense of 
happiness and love.  True, it's not real, but so what? If you take 
ecstasy, be sure you get it from a trusted source and drink lots of 
water.  Also, don't take any alcohol with it.  It could result in 
brain damage or death.

Cuyahoga Falls, OH: I am 19 and have been attending raves for two 
years. People go for the music, not the drugs. Security people frisk 

Nashville: It's been two years since my experience with ecstasy, and 
I am still in therapy.  I was almost raped and have lost my 
short-term memory.

Sydney, Australia: Here in Australia there are RaveSafe organizations 
that provide guidelines on how to stay safe while using ecstasy, 
including the need to drink water to prevent dehydration. You can 
also buy testing kits that tell you if the pills contain MDMA or 
something more dangerous.

Bloomfield Hills, Mich.: While the letter about ecstasy was valid, I 
would like to point out that glowsticks are not a dependable sign of 
ecstasy use.  Glowsticks are very popular dance props with teen-agers 
who listen to techno, electronic or rave music.

Fort Lauderdale, Fla.: A lot of ravers use drugs, but it is not fair 
to label all of us as drug users.  I am 17 and go to raves every 
Saturday, and I don't use drugs.  Ecstasy is available in lots of 
places, including rock concerts and college parties.  If I want 
ecstasy, I don't have to go to a rave to get it.

Oakland, Calif.: If ecstasy were legal, rave promoters and staff 
would be able to help injured kids without fear of legal reprisal. 
People are worried they will be arrested if they take someone to the 
hospital or call 911.  That's the real problem.

Cincinnati: Some raves let you in for a reduced fee if you bring 
canned goods for food drives.  Others raise money for local 
charities.  Ravers have a saying, P.L.U.R., which means Peace, Love, 
Unity, Respect.

New York: I used ecstasy for five years, but only on weekends.  I 
often felt depressed on Monday mornings but continued to take ecstasy 
because it was so pleasant.  This is classic addicted behavior.  I 
can no longer ignore the effect it has had on my health.  My hair is 
thin and breaks off easily.  My skin is sallow, and I have perpetual 
acne.  Due to the grinding, my teeth have become crooked and sharp. 
Ecstasy is not worth the misery you suffer later on.

Write to Ann Landers care of Creators Syndicate, 5777 W.  Century 
Blvd., Suite 700, Los Angeles, CA 90045.
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MAP posted-by: Josh Sutcliffe