Pubdate: Mon, 09 Jul 2001
Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (WI)
Copyright: 2001 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Author: David Doege, Journal Sentinel staff


Fearing that witnesses' lives may be on the line during the prosecution of 
an alleged drug kingpin from Chicago in Milwaukee County Circuit Court, 
authorities are obtaining court orders limiting the disclosure of names and 
other identifying information of witnesses in the case.

Circuit Judge Richard J. Sankovitz, who is presiding over the case of 
Kenneth L. Green and his co-defendants in what is alleged to be a massive 
marijuana distribution ring, was told that figures in the conspiracy have 
"been threatened and shot" because of what they know, according to court 

In his motion for a "protective order" limiting the disclosure and 
dissemination of information in the case, Assistant District Attorney John 
Chisholm said investigators have information "that Kenneth Green had 
orchestrated those actions because they had either talked to police or had 
been talking too much in the community about his criminal enterprise."

"Other members of Kenneth Green's criminal enterprise have admitted to law 
enforcement that they have attempted to shoot individuals in connection 
with the drug distribution enterprise," Chisholm wrote later in his motion. 
"Witnesses in the above entitled matters have expressed concern to law 
enforcement officials relating to the disclosure of their names, addresses 
and other identifying information which would subject them to potential 
retribution and/or intimidation should their identities be known."

One prosecution witness has learned that Green is attempting to locate his 
whereabouts, and that "a $10,000 bounty has been placed on his life to any 
person that could guarantee or prevent him from testifying," Chisholm wrote.

Finally, according to Chisholm, "numerous" co-defendants "have indicated 
that they are unwilling to cooperate in a trial due to their concerns and 
beliefs that members of Kenneth Green's organization would harm them or 
their families should they choose to testify at trial."

Green, 37, is awaiting trial in the County Jail in lieu of $10 million 
bail, an amount never before ordered in a Milwaukee County Circuit Court 
case. Green, who has been charged with eight counts, including a rarely 
used state racketeering charge, is believed by authorities to head a ring 
responsible for the distribution of tens of thousands of pounds of 
marijuana a year in Milwaukee.

The ring also is alleged to have distributed occasional kilograms of 
cocaine when the marijuana market was lean. Ten other people have been 
charged in the case, which began with a secret probe 16 months ago.

The protective order signed by Sankovitz allows prosecutors to redact 
identifying information from some police reports shared with defense 
attorneys if it is believed someone's life may be in danger. The order also 
prohibits defense attorneys from disseminating some police reports and case 
preparation materials to their clients.
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