Pubdate: Wed, 11 Jul 2001
Source: Dallas Morning News (TX)
Copyright: 2001 The Dallas Morning News
Author: RICK D. DAY, Executive Director, Texas, NORML, Dallas, Texas


Your July 9 editorial, "A Shared Battle - U.S.,
Mexico alike must fight drug war," contains disturbing rhetoric. Your 
editorialist stated "A new and more sincere effort ... to reengage ... and 
rededicate itself to winning the war on drugs." Please. Define winning. 
What will the world be like, once we "win" this war of Americans against 

The News will be pleased to know that there is a grass roots effort under 
way this very month, signaling a new level of cooperation on the war on 
some drugs between Mexico and the United States. This month, I will be 
flying to Mexico City to bestow the official charter of the first chapter 
of NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws) in 
Mexico. The Dallas Morning News will get exactly what it called for in its 
editorial; for President Vicente Fox to "make the lives of 
narco-traffickers very difficult." Taking away black market profit is sure 
to be very difficult on the traffickers, indeed!

The U.S. dangerously refuses to make the hard decisions necessary to reduce 
the harm associated with a black market. Because of corruption on the U.S. 
side that is so deeply entrenched, only the lowest levels (sheriffs, Border 
Patrol, street cops) on this side are caught. The Mexicans realize the 
corruption has to be at least as deep and high up as is in Mexico. Also, 
the original marijuana laws were intended to persecute Mexicans. It works 
so well today, that even Mexicans are persecuting Mexicans, so gringos can 
smoke Mexican pot. Thanks to NORML, Mexico now realizes it. Does The News 
realize this, as well?

The strategy of the Mexicans is simple, yet profound. Simply put, Mexico, 
as has Canada, must take the stance of global leader, and make the hard 
decisions for its weak-spirited northern neighbor concerning drugs. 
Marijuana must be regulated for adult use on both sides of the border. This 
will destroy the traffickers, and their network of co-conspirators again, 
on both sides of the border. Soon the only ones screaming for marijuana to 
remain illegal are those who legally or illegally profit from its continued 
prohibition. In the end, this will do more to end the horrors of the harm 
associated with illegal drug trafficking, than the failed policy of the 
last 67 years. Save us, Mexico: Do the right thing!

RICK D. DAY, Executive Director, Texas, NORML, Dallas, Texas
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom