Pubdate: Wed, 11 Jul 2001
Source: Times of Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan)
Copyright: 2001 The Times of Central Asia
Section: Asia
Author: Vladimir Shreter


ISLAMABAD -- The Taliban have proposed to the western countries to buy vast 
stores of opium. Abdul Hamid Ahund-zadeh, chief of the Taliban commission 
for drugs control, offered the West and the USA to buy opium for pharmacy 
at a meeting with the ambassadors these countries, writes The News daily 
with reference to sources at the Taliban embassy in Pakistan.

Last year the Taliban spiritual leader, mullah Omar, issued a special 
decree banning the growing of opium poppy in the country. Western countries 
are worried that huge reserves of raw opium are found in a territory 
controlled by the Kabul government. According to information from 
Afghanistan, it has amassed hundreds of tonnes of raw opium.

Local observers estimate that the reserves of opium and heroin are enough 
for at least three years to come. Border control has been intensified on 
the Pakistani frontier, which has lessened the flow of drugs leaving 
Afghanistan along the "Northern route" -- the North-Western border province 
of Pakistan. This has led to a situation when the price of raw opium has 
gone up from 30 to 350 dollars per kilogramme on underground opium markets 
in Pakistan. Now drug traffickers are more and more actively using the 
"Southern route" -- the desert territories of the Baluchistan province -- 
for trafficking drugs from Afghanistan to Europe, the Middle East and America.
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MAP posted-by: Larry Stevens