Pubdate: Mon, 23 Jul 2001 Source: Log Cabin Democrat (AR) Copyright: The Log Cabin Democrat Contact: Details: Author: Alan Randell Bookmark: (Decrim/Legalization) LEGALIZE DRUGS TO HELP SOCIETY I couldn't agree with you more that the best way to minimize the harm of drugs is knowledge. The best way to ensure that users and those who may be contemplating becoming users are fully informed about the properties of various drugs is to legalize all drugs. Legalization has other benefits too. Users will be able to purchase cheap, clean, quality tested drugs, courts and jails would become less jammed, organized crime's power would be weakened and the spread of dangerous diseases such as AIDS and hepatitis would be severely curtailed. Oh, yes, legalizing drugs would once more push law enforcement back outside the boundaries defined by the Bill of Rights. There is no more reason to punish drug users and dealers today than there was in the past to hang witches, lynch blacks or gas Jews. - --- MAP posted-by: Josh Sutcliffe