Pubdate: Sat, 21 Jul 2001
Source: Beckley Register-Herald (WV)
Copyright: 2001 The Register-Herald
Contact: (304) 255-5625
Author: Annette Z Fox


Complaint says company is responsible for past, future medical treatment, 
expenses The manufacturer of a highly controversial painkiller is being 
sued by a Beaver resident.

Filed in the Raleigh County Circuit Clerk's office is a complaint against 
Purdue Pharma, the maker of OxyContin. Chris Umberger of Airport Road 
alleges the company manufactured and distributed the "dangerous and 
defective" OxyContin, causing him addiction, mental and physical pain and 

OxyContin, produced in strengths of 10, 20, 40 and 80 milligrams, was 
created for patients suffering from cancer and intractable pain such as 
back problems. However, drug investigators say it is a popular street drug, 
alongside heroin and cocaine.

Umberger contends in the complaint that Purdue Pharma created the 
prescription with oxycodone, knowing it is one of the most dangerous and 
abused drugs in the United States and that it has caused widespread deaths. 
He also maintains the company manufactured the pills in "dangerously high 
and deadly doses."

He further maintains Purdue Pharma "conspired and knowingly promoted and 
sold OxyContin by enticing doctors to prescribe the drug using free airline 
tickets, motel stays, vacations, seminars and other means without regard as 
to the safety of the drug, and without warning these physicians as to the 
true dangers it possessed."

While Purdue Pharma has reportedly worked with investigators to address the 
abuse, Umberger says the company has "taken no steps to correct the 
defective coating, nor have they warned the public as to the health risks 
posed by this drug ..."

Umberger says in the suit the company is directly responsible for his 
future and past medical treatment and expenses and is seeking compensatory 
and punitive damages to be determined at a later date.

Representatives of Purdue Pharma could not be reached for comment.
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