Pubdate: Thu, 26 Jul 2001
Source: Boston Herald (MA)
Copyright: 2001 The Boston Herald, Inc
Author: J.M. Lawrence
Bookmark: (Oxycontin)


Caught on camera in her son's cell vowing to kill the man who allegedly 
dimed her boy out over an OxyContin deal, a Lynn woman was arrested 
yesterday and faces 10 years in prison.

Susan Wagner, 42, later denied the threat but then told federal agents she 
would get others to beat him up, according to investigators.

Her son, Robert Wagner, 24, is charged with buying the potent prescription 
opiate from his boss, a plumbing contractor who sought to bump up his 
income by smuggling $100,000 worth of the drug out of Cancun, Mexico.

The plumber was busted by U.S. Customs officials on July 20 in Atlanta with 
three candy boxes in his luggage full of 5,000 pills in 20-milligram doses.

He opted to cooperate and helped investigators stage a set-up last Saturday 
at a White Hen Pantry in Saugus where he was supposed to meet Wagner.

Wagner showed up at 3:20 p.m. and accepted pills while agents secretly 
recorded the deal.

By Monday, Susan Wagner was visiting her son's cell at the Saugus Police 
Department, where video recorders captured their conversation.

Robert told his mother that he thought his dealer had set him up.

Wagner erupted in anger, vowing to have someone "kill him," investigators 
claim in court documents.

A DEA agent confronted her outside of Lynn District Court that same day and 
told her about the taped conversation.

Wagner denied threatening to have the informant killed but admitted she 
wanted him to feel some pain, according to the agent.

"S. Wagner reiterated that she would have his 'ass beat in.' She added that 
'I'll do it,' and that she'd have him 'taken care of,' " DEA agent Samuel 
J. Masiello said in an affidavit.

Robert Wagner faces a maximum of 20 years in prison and a $1 million fine 
if convicted on charges of possession of the drug with intent to distribute.

OxyContin, a time-released painkiller, has skyrocketed in popularity among 
heroin users. More than 30 pharmacies in the state have been robbed of the 
drug so far this year.
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