Pubdate: Fri, 27 Jul 2001
Source: Daily Press (VA)
Copyright: 2001 The Daily Press
Author: R.W. Rogers


Admiral Says He Fully Supports Another Round Of Base Realignment, Closure

NORFOLK - The Atlantic Fleet is doing a good job at keeping its sailors and 
protecting its many bases in Hampton Roads.

But drugs are taking a toll on retention, and there's not enough money to 
replace aging ships, Atlantic Fleet commander Adm. Robert Natter said in a 
state-of-the-fleet briefing Thursday.

Natter, the Atlantic Fleet commander for just over a year, also said the 
Navy desperately needs to keep training ranges at Vieques and that another 
round of base closings are needed.

The admiral weighed in on the issue of base closures, a topic of vital 
importance in military-rich Hampton Roads.

"I fully support a BRAC," Natter said just a day after a Defense Department 
spokesman caused a furor by saying that another round of Base Realignment 
and Closure might remove military operations from Hampton Roads.

Virginia's congressional response to this was predictably hostile.

While not commenting on whether Hampton Roads should or would lose military 
people or commands, Natter did say, "every base in the country should be 
considered in a BRAC."

It's estimated the United States has 23 percent more bases than it needs 
and that closing them would save an estimated $3.5 billion a year that 
could then be spent on more pressing military needs -- such as more ships.

A recently approved supplemental budget for the military will give the 
Atlantic Fleet about $367 million, the bulk going for much needed air 
operations and ship repairs.

But the money does not deal with budgeting for new ships. Natter described 
"a serious shortfall" in keeping up the current 315-ship Navy. Even more 
ships and planes will be needed, Natter said, if the Bush administration is 
serious about forward deploying more U.S. forces in Asia.

Natter also talked about another politically sensitive issue, Vieques.

The 9,500 residents of that Puerto Rican island are set to vote Nov. 6 on 
whether to allow the Navy to use part of the island as a bombing range. The 
Bush administration has announced plans to abandon military exercises on 
the island in 2003 and has asked that the vote not take place.

Atlantic Fleet ships have trained at Vieques for decades before going on 
deployments, and the Navy has yet to find a suitable replacement.

"I would very much like to keep Vieques," said Natter, who said he would 
"not be timid" in giving his advice to the administration.

Republicans and Democrats alike claimed Bush's decision to halt bombing on 
Vieques is motivated more by trying to appease Hispanic voters than 
concerns about national security.

In the last year, Natter said, security for the fleet has improved both 
here and overseas.

Force protection became a major topic after the October terrorist attack on 
the Norfolk-based USS Cole that killed 17 sailors as it refueled in the 
Yemeni port of Aden.

In Hampton Roads, those precautions included erecting protective booms 
around ships. Posting more military and civilian guards, building 
watchtowers and installing surveillance equipment.

Battle groups on deployment also have new equipment to thwart terrorists, 
which Natter refused to identify,

"We can't protect everything," Natter said. "But I want terrorists to say 
that 'This is too hard. I'm going someplace else.' "

Drug use by sailors, especially use of the club drug ecstasy, is a 
particularly bothersome problem, Natter said.

"We have a problem. I don't want to hide that problem," he said.

The admiral said the command will try to curb drug use through more 
counseling and more drug testing.

Natter talked about meeting sailors who had been caught doing drugs and 
were being kicked out of the Navy.

"I was struck with how sharp they were. It made me want to cry."
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