Pubdate: Fri, 03 Aug 2001
Source: Las Vegas Sun (NV)
Copyright: 2001 Las Vegas Sun, Inc
Author: Cy Ryan


CARSON CITY -- The state Department of Agriculture has scheduled public 
workshops in Sparks and Las Vegas to explain how the new medical marijuana 
law will work.

The law that goes into effect Oct. 1 allows people with chronic or 
debilitating illnesses to seek a registry card from the state agency 
allowing them to possess 1 ounce of marijuana and three mature and four 
immature plants.

People 18 must have the permission of their parents, who would be 
responsible for controlling the drug.

Individuals must have a statement from their physician that the medical use 
of marijuana would help ease the pain or suffering from such illnesses as 
AIDS, cancer and glaucoma.

The department will hold the first hearing Tuesday in Sparks and the second 
at 1:30 p.m. Thursday in Las Vegas at the Sawyer State Office Building. 
Officials will explain the qualifications and the registration procedures 
to qualify for the cards.

A person who is denied a card must wait six months before re-applying. And 
the individual can file a court challenge.

Voters in two elections approved the proposed constitutional amendment 
allowing medical use of marijuana. And the Legislature set up the law, 
establishing the guidelines.
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MAP posted-by: Larry Stevens