Pubdate: Wed, 08 Aug 2001
Source: San Jose Mercury News (CA)
Copyright: 2001 San Jose Mercury News
Author: Ann Landers
Note: Headline by Newshawk



DEAR ANN: I am writing you from a prison cell, hoping it might help some 
teenager somewhere. Here I sit with plenty of time to think about what I 
did to my life.

I would like to make a plea to all parents who read this: Talk to your kids 
about drugs now. Hug them, and let them know you love them and are there to 
help them through the tough decisions every kid has to make. They will hear 
you. What you say will stick in their minds the first time a joint is 
handed to them. Teenagers may not seem to hear, but they do, and they 
respect what their parents have to say.

I won't blame anyone for my choices in life, but I can't help thinking, 
``What if?'' I never got that all-important talk with my parents. Just one 
conversation could make all the difference in the world. Parents, please 
think about it.

Too Late for Me in Missouri

DEAR TOO LATE: I appreciate your writing to alert my readers to the 
importance of talking to their kids about drugs. Too many parents think it 
won't matter, or that their children aren't listening, but they really are. 
Thank you for making it clear that parental involvement is crucial.

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MAP posted-by: Larry Stevens