Pubdate: Thu, 09 Aug 2001
Source: Illinois Times (IL)
Copyright: 2001 Yesse Communications
Section: Shorts
Note: This short comes from Alternet news service


A new report by Mother Jones, "Debt to Society," has compiled extensive 
data on the United States' ever-expanding prison system. With 
state-by-state comparisons and a series of essays about the 
prison-industrial complex, Mother Jones has created a reference center 
meant to combat our national obsession with incarceration.

Particularly useful is the Incarceration Atlas.  Click on a state, and you 
can see its incarceration rate, prison spending, education spending, and 
its growth in such spending over the past twenty years. It also shows the 
state's prison percentage of drug offenders and its incarceration rates for 
whites compared to non-whites.

A smattering of statistics garnered from the report (unless otherwise 
stated, all statistics are for the year 2000):

* Ranking of the U.S. among other countries' incarceration rates: First.

* Percentage of U.S. prisoners incarcerated for drug offenses in 1980: Eight.

* Percentage of U.S. prisoners incarcerated for drug offenses in 1998: 

* U.S. incarceration rates of Caucasians per 100,000 residents: 235.

* U.S. incarceration rates of African-Americans per 100,000 residents: 1,815.

* Minnesota's ranking among U.S. incarceration rates: Fifty-one (includes 
District of Columbia).

* Minnesota's ranking among U.S. education-spending per capita: First.

* District of Columbia's ranking among U.S. incarceration rates: First.

* District of Columbia's ranking among U.S. education-spending per capita: 

* Percent change from 1980 to 2000 in U.S.'s per capita spending on 
schools: 32 percent increase.

* Percent change from 1980 to 2000 in U.S.'s per capita spending on 
prisons: 189 percent increase.

* Percent change from 1980 to 2000 in Texas' per capita spending on 
prisons: 401 percent increase.

Some Illinois figures include:

* The percentage increase of prison spending per capita in Illinois between 
1980 and 2000: 214 percent.

* The percentage increase of education spending per capita in Illinois 
between 1980 and 2000: 47 percent.

* Illinois ranks fifth among all states regarding the percentage of inmates 
imprisoned for drug offences.

Learn more by checking out the whole Mother Jones Prison Report at

This short comes from Alternet.  The news service of the alternative press.
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MAP posted-by: Larry Stevens