Pubdate: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 Source: Chicago Sun-Times (IL) Copyright: 2001 The Sun-Times Co. Contact: Details: Bookmark: (Cannabis - Medicinal) IGNORING A NATURAL DRUG Americans expect the Food and Drug Administration to vouch for the safety of prescription drugs, but the recall of Baycol, a cholesterol-lowering drug made by Bayer, after the deaths of 31 people, shows the FDA is more of a tool of the pharmaceutical industry than a protector of Americans' health. Like Lotronex, Rezulin and fen-phen before it, Americans who put their faith in the FDA drug-approval process jeopardized their health and even lost their lives taking drugs that ultimately had to be recalled. Meanwhile, bureaucrats in the FDA and other federal agencies continue to balk at allowing Americans to use marijuana for medical purposes despite more than 5,000 years of recorded medical use. The prohibition of marijuana extends to its non-psychoactive cousin, hemp. Hempseed is a source of complete protein that lowers cholesterol levels and builds the immune system. Yet the bureaucrats who tell us what we can or cannot put in our bodies prefer that we take dangerous synthetic pharmaceuticals instead of safe and natural products derived from a plant that could give struggling family farmers a fighting chance if only the Drug Enforcement Administration would let them. The harm caused by cannabis prohibition has seeped into nearly every facet of American life. It's time to allow our citizens to reap the many benefits offered by this God-given herb. Gary Storck, Madison, Wis. - --- MAP posted-by: Terry Liittschwager