Pubdate: Thu, 16 Aug 2001
Source: Cincinnati Enquirer (OH)
Copyright: 2001 The Cincinnati Enquirer
Author: Dan Horn


Cincinnati officials will try again to fire a police officer accused of 
planting drugs on a suspect.

Police announced Wednesday that the city will appeal a recent arbitrator's 
decision that reinstated Officer John Sess, who was fired in 1997.

The decision to appeal means that Mr. Sess, a 23-year police veteran, will 
not be allowed to return to work until a judge decides his case.

City officials have frequently complained about arbitration decisions that 
required them to rehire police officers fired for misconduct.

Of 11 officers fired since 1996 who took their cases to arbitration, every 
one has been rehired after a review by an arbitrator.

The evidence in Mr. Sess' case revealed that he kept a bag of marijuana in 
his pocket after finding it earlier in the day in his police cruiser.

During the interrogation of an unrelated drug offender, Mr. Sess put the 
bag in the suspect's pocket, pulled it out and asked if he'd forgotten 
about it.

The suspect said the bag wasn't his, but admitted others found by officers 
did belong to him. The suspect later pleaded guilty to a drug offense, but 
he was never charged for possessing the bag of marijuana.

The arbitrator said Officer Sess' actions were part of a legitimate 
maneuver to get a confession.

Mr. Sess' lawyer, Stephen Lazarus, said his client was disappointed the 
city opted to appeal. He said the evidence did not support the firing of 
Mr. Sess.
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