Pubdate: Fri, 17 Aug 2001
Source: New York Times (NY)
Copyright: 2001 The New York Times Company
Author: Juan Forero


Colombia, Aug. 16 -- He was flying just above the tree line, moments after 
spraying herbicide on a patch of coca, when the machine-gun fire hit. Eight 
bullets, probably fired by leftist rebels or drug traffickers, struck the 
fuselage and tail, knocking out the radio as the cockpit filled with smoke.

But the pilot, an American under contract in an anti-drug plan that has 
brought dozens of private citizens into Colombia's drug war, said he knew 
such attacks went with the job.

"Suddenly, you start managing the airplane like you have in the past and 
have trained for," said the pilot, a 44- year-old Southerner named Mark. 
"The armor really kept the bullets away from me. There were armor plates 
under my seat that were damaged. That's where wire bundles were cut that 
caused the electronics to fail."

In the first interviews among Americans working under a State Department 
contract in Colombia, a group of pilots spoke today of their experiences 
spraying fields of coca and heroin poppies that are often guarded by 
leftist rebels. The Americans, three pilots and a supervisor, agreed to be 
interviewed on the condition that their full names not be published, for 
fear of retaliation by traffickers or rebels.

The pilots, who have spent years flying commercial crop-dusters in the 
United States, played down the risks here. They view the danger as minimal, 
they said, because their missions here are well-planned operations using 
high-tech aircraft, advanced electronics systems and armed escorts, in case 
their planes are shot down or malfunction.

"There's always the possibility that something can go wrong at any minute," 
said Thomas, 50, a Texan who flies search-and-rescue helicopters that aid 
pilots who encounter trouble. "The guys out there, they're trained 
professionals, and that's what they get paid to do - to be there should 
something go wrong."

The comments, made during a casual roundtable with two American reporters 
in BogotAa, the capital, came after harsh criticism among some lawmakers on 
Capitol Hill who feel the United States-financed antidrug program is too 
heavily reliant on private contractors, particularly pilots who fly spray 
planes and the helicopters serving as escorts. The four Americans work for 
Dyncorp, a Reston, Va., military contractor that is operating here under a 
five-year, $170 million contract. Dyncorp employs 335 civilians here, about 
half of them Americans.

Under the $1.3 billion anti-drug aid package that the United States 
approved last year to cut into Colombia's huge drug crop, no more than 300 
American contractors can work here. As of late July, 194 American civilians 
were working in Colombia, as pilots, mechanics, radar operators, trainers 
and logistics experts.

The limit is likely to be reached by December, as helicopters and spray 
aircraft continue arriving, Ambassador Anne Patterson told reporters in 
July. The Americans will be needed to fly the planes and to serve as 
instructors for Colombian helicopter pilots, and as mechanics.

Some on Capitol Hill are considering whether to allow the number of 
contractors to increase beyond 300, as the Bush administration has 
requested. The House has so far placed strict limits on what the White 
House can do.

"The administration obviously wants to have maximum flexibility to 
implement their policy, and Congress clearly wants the administration 
policy in check," said Michael Shifter, a Colombia expert at the 
Inter-American Dialogue, a Washington think tank.

The prospect that the number of private contracters could rise has alarmed 
some American officials. Representative Jan Schakowsky, an Illinois 
Democrat, has proposed banning the practice of contracting private citizens 
for dangerous jobs in Colombia, saying secrecy makes it difficult to hold 
people accountable.

"You look at some of the individuals who are involved, you find that they 
have been involved in covert activities for years," said Ms. Schakowsky. 
"I'm not comfortable with the lack of transparency, whether it is with the 
company or with the individuals with those companies."

Criticism of the contractors prompted American officials to permit the four 
Americans to talk about their backgrounds, their reason for flying in 
Colombia and the dangers they face.

The Americans said the chance at year-round work with benefits - as opposed 
to seasonal flying in the United States - prompted them to look into 
help-wanted advertisements in trade journals that sought pilots for Colombia.

Indeed, Bob, 47, a Texan who is married and has three children, said the 
chance to come to Colombia has given him career stability. In the United 
States, aerial application, as the pilots call their job, often means weeks 
of constant travel in search of work, he explained.

Working in Colombia, he said, is "guaranteed employment for as long as 
you're here, and it's not commission work." Bob, who has been here six 
years, said the pilots are paid "flat salaries and benefits, so there is 
that element of security that we don't typically have as contractors in the 

The Dyncorp pilots are also well paid, earning at least $75,000 a year; 
some make over $90,000, and are able to rotate out of Colombia for weeks at 
a time to be with their families. In the United States, in contrast, spray 
pilots earn as little as $40,000 (though some earn much more).

The Americans said they were angered by a report in Semana, a respected 
weekly here, that quoted an unnamed Colombian police official as saying 
"the majority of them are high consumers of drugs" and "inject themselves 
before flying." The report painted them as mercenaries and called them 
"godless Rambos."

"We associate mercenaries with something out of the Congo in the early 
1960's," said Keith, 44, the supervisor. "We find the mercenary comment 
quite out of context."

He explained that the pilots are subject to random drug tests and must pass 
stringent physical and psychological tests to work in the program. For 
them, working here under contract is not much different than working under 
contract to spray insecticides in American national parks or laying seeds 
over Texas fields.

The pilots went to great pains to play down the danger inherent in a job 
that requires long flights into sparsely populated regions controlled by 

Bob noted that he had been shot at once while flying in the United States, 
by an irate farmer who was awakened by the sound of the plane. Mark said 
his wife understood because "she knew I enjoyed flying." The pilots also 
noted that they do not have search-and-rescue teams accompanying them in 
the United States.

Of course, in the United States there is no need for search-and-rescue 
teams because rebels with AK-47 assault rifles are not shooting at them. 
Indeed two pilots have been shot down here in recent years, both 
Colombians; one died. And three Americans have been killed when they 
crashed, once in 1997 and two the following year.

For the pilots, the deaths are sobering. But they say they try not to think 
of the danger.

"For me the adventure has long wore off," said Mark, who is married and has 
a child. "It is a back-and-forth business, as we call it. It really just 
becomes like it is at home: you're out there applying a chemical to a crop. 
You're concentrating on doing the work that you know how to do."
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MAP posted-by: Terry Liittschwager