Pubdate: Sun, 19 Aug 2001
Source: Lubbock Avalanche-Journal (TX)
Copyright: 2001 The Lubbock Avalanche-Journal


THE RECENT TRIAL OF a 37-year-old Slaton woman who was sentenced to life in 
prison for possession with intent to distribute drugs provided an 
interesting view of a perplexing situation in our society - the problem of 

On one hand was the prosecutor, commenting that people are tired of drug 
dealers and will deal harshly with them. We certainly would not disagree 
with that.

On the other hand was the defense attorney, who said, "No one should be 
thrown in prison for addiction." And it is true that many people reside in 
prisons today of whom it could be said were guilty of the crime of 
addiction. Their addictions caused them to commit various crimes against 

In this particular case, the defendant had been given chances to straighten 
out her life but continued to commit crimes. Apparently she was unwilling 
or unable to do what was necessary to rid herself of the addiction.

Help exists for fighting addictions

The term "addiction" is overused today, to the point that the meaning of 
the word is cheapened.

Personal problems of all types are attributed to some form of addiction. 
Any avocation or obsessive activity is often called an addiction, as in, 
"He is addicted to video games."

Repeated ingestion of different substances are called, often humorously, 
addictions. But no matter how many hamburgers or candy bars a person eats, 
or no matter how much ice cream is consumed, people are not addicted to them.

What is true addiction? Every veteran smoker has experienced true 
addiction, as have alcoholics and people who have become dependent on other 
drugs. And there are non-substance forms of addiction, such as gambling and 

Those people who are addicted risk damaging their health and/or experience 
a lessening in the quality of life due to their addiction, but they do not 

There is help available for fighting every type of addiction, but some 
people do not want it or will not accept it. Others seek it but cannot 
resist what has a hold on them.

Parents must warn children

The best way to handle addictions is never to get ensnared by them. Many 
people think they are bigger than drugs or alcohol but find out to their 
great regret that they are not.

Parents should warn their children about addictive substances and 
behaviors. Such warnings about potentially dangerous behavior can provide 
young people with an important line of defense later, when they may need it 

For those who have succumbed to addictions, they must take the necessary 
steps to rid themselves of them. The responsibility for their lives belongs 
to them.

As for the people who will not or cannot cure their addictions, they are a 
sad lot in our society and are destructive to themselves, their families 
and everyone around them.

We are all for giving people chances to help themselves. But when they 
refuse chances of rehabilitation and continue to commit crimes because of 
addictions they will not or cannot control, there is little choice but to 
lock them away where they will not harm society.

Verdicts such as the recent life sentence are a good message to addicts who 
will not help themselves. If a person will not take responsibility for his 
or her behavior, then society must.
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MAP posted-by: Jo-D