Pubdate: Thu, 23 Aug 2001
Source: Chicago Tribune (IL)
Copyright: 2001 Chicago Tribune Company
Author: Thomas B. Kirkpatrick


The Aug. 13 story on suburban teens trekking to Chicago to buy heroin 
underscores one of the major difficulties in dealing with the billion- 
dollar street drug markets that ruin our neighborhoods and terrorize our 
residents: Most of the customers are not from the communities that suffer 
the effects of street-gang drug dealing and the violence associated with it.

Let's take an innovative approach and impose on those drug buyers caught in 
our continuing sweeps a mandatory sentence of community service on the 
corner where they purchased the drugs. The sight of a clean-up crew 
identified for all to see as the main financial backers of drug crime in 
the neighborhood is bound to draw attention and derision--and almost 
guarantee that the offenders and their friends won't be back.

Thomas B. Kirkpatrick, President

Chicago Crime Commission
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MAP posted-by: Terry Liittschwager