Pubdate: Sun, 26 Aug 2001
Source: New York Times (NY)
Copyright: 2001 The New York Times Company
Section: Politics
Author: Alison Leigh Cowan


Roger Clinton was hacking his way through a friendly game of golf in 1999 
when his foursome was interrupted by a visitor who drove up on a cart and, 
after a brief conversation, handed Mr. Clinton a box containing a Rolex watch.

The encounter near the 10th hole of the Rancho Park golf course in Los 
Angeles might have been forgotten but for a few salient details. Current 
and former federal government officials say the young man who delivered the 
watch was Tommy Gambino, son of a convicted heroin trafficker serving a 
45-year sentence. And, unknown to Mr. Clinton, his partners included two 
Air Force intelligence officers who reported the incident and said that Mr. 
Clinton had said he was "helping" Tommy Gambino's father, Rosario Gambino.

In late September 1999, two agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation 
walked up the driveway of Mr. Clinton's home in Redondo Beach, Calif., to 
ask him about his relationship with Rosario Gambino, who prosecutors have 
repeatedly said is an associate of the Gambino crime family and a distant 
relative of Carlo Gambino, the late crime boss.

Mr. Clinton, the half-brother of the former president, acknowledged that he 
had lobbied the United States Parole Commission for the early release of 
Rosario Gambino, according to the bureau's account of the interview.

Mr. Clinton said that Tommy Gambino had told him "we will take care of you" 
if he won Rosario Gambino's release from prison, according to the agents' 
notes, and Mr. Clinton said he understood that meant he would be 
financially rewarded. "I'm not stupid," he told the agents, according to 
their notes.

Two years later, Roger Clinton is the subject of Congressional and federal 
investigations of influence peddling and other possible illegalities in 
last-minute pardons granted by President Bill Clinton.

Shortly before President Clinton left office, Roger Clinton assured Tommy 
Gambino that his father was a "lock" for a pardon, a person close to Tommy 
Gambino has said in an interview. Rosario Gambino's name was on a list sent 
by the White House to the Justice Department in late January for possible 
clemency, but no pardon was granted.

In an unrelated case, a felon has told prosecutors that he paid Roger 
Clinton $225,000 to lobby for a pardon and complained that Mr. Clinton did 
little or nothing in return. A close look at Mr. Clinton's effort to help 
Rosario Gambino secure early release from prison, based on interviews and 
documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, portray him in a 
different light: a tireless, if inept, advocate whose persistent pleas 
annoyed and worried parole commission officials.

Nearly two years before President Clinton left office, the F.B.I. was 
suspicious enough of Roger Clinton's efforts to free Rosario Gambino that 
agents tried a sting operation that involved parole commission officials. 
It failed.

Roger Clinton's campaign on Mr. Gambino's behalf was persistent and 
inventive, documents and interviews show. He made at least four visits to 
the parole commission's headquarters in Chevy Chase, Md., a Washington suburb.

He tried to exploit his ties to an Arkansas parole commissioner. He invoked 
his brother's authority. He produced listings from a Sicilian telephone 
book to show that Gambino was a common Italian name and, thus, not every 
Gambino was tied to the New York crime family.

"Every time the phone rang, you thought, 'Oh, no, is it Roger Clinton 
again?' " recalled Thomas C. Kowalski, a top parole commission staff member.

Roger Clinton's lawyer Bart H. Williams said he was not surprised to hear 
that Mr. Clinton's brand of advocacy stirred consternation at the parole 
commission. "That's the kind of guy Roger is," Mr. Williams said. "Once he 
is engaged in something, he's a pretty passionate guy."

Mr. Clinton, a sometime rock singer, told the F.B.I. agents in the 1999 
interview that he felt a bond with Tommy Gambino, a Californian in his late 
20's who runs a company, Progressive Telecom, which sells pay phones to 
restaurants and stores.

According to the F.B.I. account of the interview, Mr. Clinton said the two 
men were introduced at a club in Beverly Hills, Calif., by an acquaintance 
in the music business. Mr. Clinton said he identified with the younger 
Gambino's struggle to get through life without a father while being judged 
by his family name.

Federal law enforcement officials were scrutinizing Tommy Gambino's 
activities long before he crossed paths with Roger Clinton.

"They've never proven anything," said Duncan DeVille, a former federal 
prosecutor who until February served on the organized crime strike force in 
Los Angeles. "But Tommy was under investigation for a long period of time 
for his alleged connections to organized crime."

James D. Henderson, a Los Angeles lawyer who represents Tommy Gambino and 
his father, said the suspicions about the son were groundless. "I've never 
seen anything that indicates Tommy is involved in any illegal activity," 
Mr. Henderson said.

The legal case that drew together Tommy Gambino and Roger Clinton dates to 
1984, when a federal judge sentenced Rosario Gambino to 45 years in prison 
for his role in a heroin smuggling ring. His first parole hearing was in 
1995, 11 years after his conviction. The request was denied.

It is not clear when Roger Clinton took up the case, but parole commission 
documents dated January 1996 report that he had repeatedly approached one 
of the commission's regional offices requesting a meeting with officials 
who had jurisdiction in the Rosario Gambino case.

That posed a bit of a problem.

Under the commission's rules, officials with final say over parole 
decisions must avoid contact with interested parties outside the public 
hearing process. The potential problem was not confined to the regional 
office. A member of the parole commission at its Chevy Chase headquarters, 
Michael J. Gaines, who had worked for Bill Clinton when he was governor of 
Arkansas, knew the Clinton family, including Roger. The regional officials 
warned Mr. Gaines that Roger Clinton was headed his way, too.

Parole commission memorandums show Mr. Gaines called the White House 
counsel's office and warned that the president's half-brother was lobbying 
on behalf of an inmate, even before had he received a call from Roger Clinton.

Yet Roger Clinton called Mr. Gaines on Jan. 30, 1996, the first of many 
such approaches. The secretary who took the message scribbled a note that 
Roger Clinton had a "very important" matter to discuss and that his 
"brother recommended meeting," according to her notes.

Mr. Gaines asked Michael A. Stover, the commission's general counsel, to 
return the call. Mr. Stover's notes state that Roger Clinton said that his 
brother "is completely aware of my involvement" and had recommended that he 
meet with Mr. Gaines, "a friend of ours" from Arkansas.

Mr. Stover's notes say that he informed Roger Clinton that he was not 
permitted to meet with a commissioner on a specific case and urged him to 
submit his views in writing. The president's half brother, Mr. Stover 
wrote, expressed "bewilderment" that President Clinton was ignorant of the 
commission's rules, and, "He stated that he would have to inform his 
brother that his brother had been wrong."

Mr. Stover's notes concluded that "the commission should be shielded if at 
all possible from the unwelcome intrusion of a man who would appear to have 
nothing to contribute to the commission's deliberations in the Gambino case 
but a crude (and I hope unauthorized) effort to exercise political influence."

The pressure continued.

President Clinton promoted Mr. Gaines to chairman of the parole commission 
in 1997, and memorandums show Roger Clinton soon tried to contact him 
again. Mr. Gaines asked Marie Ragghianti, his newly appointed chief of 
staff, and M r. Kowalski, the top commission staff member, to hear out Mr. 

Ms. Ragghianti had her own national reputation for integrity. She was the 
woman who brought down Gov. Ray Blanton of Tennessee over a 
cash-for-clemency scandal when she headed the Tennessee Board of Pardons 
and Paroles in the 1970's. She had been the subject of a book, "Marie," by 
Peter Maas and a movie of the same name, in which Sissy Spacek played her 

Ms. Ragghianti said she was not particularly on guard about an interview 
with Roger Clinton, adding, "I just assumed nobody in their right mind 
would come to me to ask for something out of line."

Mr. Clinton met with Ms. Ragghianti and Mr. Kowalski at 8:30 a.m. on Dec. 
23, 1997, according to commission memorandums. He told them that Rosario 
Gambino had at least two job opportunities waiting for him. He argued that 
the man was not an organized-crime figure but at most was on the fringes of 
organized crime.

Commission officials were unmoved. In a memorandum dated Dec. 30, Mr. 
Kowalski wrote that "documents in the file clearly depict the subject as an 
individual deeply involved in organized criminal activity."

In 1998, Mr. Clinton got two more meetings with Ms. Ragghianti and Mr. 
Kowalski. At one, Mr. Kowalski said, Roger Clinton brandished pages from a 
Sicilian phone book to convince them that Gambino was a common name and did 
not prove any link to the late crime boss Carlo Gambino.

"I was very professional," Mr. Kowalski said. "I didn't laugh."

The commission's ethics officer, Sharon Gervasoni, saw nothing funny in 
Roger Clinton's lobbying either. His meetings with the staff, she wrote in 
a memorandum in September 1998, "seem to me designed to influence the 
decision-making process outside of the official record."

On Oct. 26, Ms. Ragghianti faxed a letter to Mr. Clinton at his home asking 
that all future communication be in writing.

Mr. Clinton left a message for her, apologizing if anyone "thought he was 
asking for something inappropriate." He also asked Ms. Ragghianti to call 
him back. She did not.

"The man never gave up," she said.

Four days later, on Oct. 30, it appeared that Rosario Gambino might be 
headed for freedom. A parole hearing examiner announced he would recommend 
a release date of Jan. 15, 1999, for Mr. Gambino.

When Roger Clinton got word of the recommendation, he did not seem to 
understand that was far from the last word. On Nov. 17, he dashed off a 
handwritten letter thanking the commission "from the bottom of my heart."

"I have marked that date on my calendar as a day of celebration," he wrote.

In January 1999, the commission again denied parole.

Soon after, on Jan. 22, an F.B.I. agent arrived to question commission 
officials about Roger Clinton. As the agent waited in the offices, Mr. 
Clinton placed two more calls to the commission.

The F.B.I. wanted commission staff members to help the agency lure Mr. 
Clinton to a nearby Holiday Inn for a meeting, which an undercover agent 
would attend, according to interviews with federal officials and parole 
commission memorandums. The staff members balked.

The F.B.I. instead installed a listening device in one of the commission's 
conference rooms and Mr. Kowalski, the chief of staff, agreed to ask Roger 
Clinton open-ended questions like "What do you want me to do?" Mr. Clinton 
showed up soon after but commission officials say the conversations led to 
no improprieties.

There is no record of any further lobbying of the commission by Roger Clinton.

Nonetheless, in April of that year, the chairman of the commission, Mr. 
Gaines, recused himself from matters concerning the Gambino request, 
explaining in an interview that he wanted to avoid any hint of impropriety. 
In May the commission voted again to deny Mr. Gambino parole.

The F.B.I did not give up. On Sept. 30 1999, after the encounter on the 
golf course, two F.B.I. agents walked up Mr. Clinton's driveway and 
questioned him about his relationship with the Gambinos.

Asked whether he had accepted any gifts from the Gambinos, notes of the 
interview show Roger Clinton initially said no.

He then said, according to the notes, "I was shown a Rolex watch once but 
it was not given to me." Tommy Gambino had taken him to a pawn shop in 
Beverly Hills to look at watches, he said, but that they left without buying.

A little later in the interview, Roger Clinton amended his account, saying 
he had received a watch from Tommy Gambino, who informed him it was an 
"Italian custom" to give such tokens of appreciation. Mr. Clinton said he 
disposed of it when he heard it was a fake.

A little later he amended that statement, too, saying he did keep the watch 
because it was a gift but that he never wore it because it was "gaudy."

He acknowledged in the interview accepting plane tickets to Washington and 
expense money from Tommy Gambino and said Mr. Gambino had "offered to loan" 
him money for a house. At the time of the interview, bank records show, 
Tommy's sister Anna had already signed a check for $50,000 for Roger Clinton.

Standing in the driveway with the bureau agents, Roger Clinton provided 
them with a sweeping account of his life as first brother. He told them he 
and his band had toured about a dozen countries, performing at the 
invitation of foreign leaders. He said he was often plied with gifts for 
himself and the president. On his earliest trips, Roger Clinton said, he 
sometimes even accepted money for the president and had to be told to send 
it back.

On President Clinton's last day in office, he issued pardons and 
commutations for 177 people. Those recommended by Roger Clinton were not 
among them.

Phone records show that Roger Clinton made a lot of telephone calls that 
afternoon, to those he had recommended for clemency. One of the first, 
lasting seven minutes, was to a California number belonging to Tommy Gambino.
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MAP posted-by: Terry Liittschwager