Pubdate: Thu, 13 Aug 2001 Source: New York Times Drug Policy Forum Website: Note: This, and the series of forums, is being archived at MAP as an exception to our web only source posting policies. Transcript edited by forum participants. Future: guests in this series include Jeff Jones, Mark Greer, Mike Gray, Joseph McNamara, The Hempcar Crew, Peter Christ, Tom O'Connell and George McMahon See for details. ANN MCCORMICK'S VISIT TO THE NYT DRUG POLICY FORUM Ann McCormick - Seattle was incredible. So HUGE!!!!! It's great to be here with you tonight. What do you want to talk about? Oh! This is Ann... Richard Lake - Hi, Ann I posted the links to your pictures and the fest site pictures a few messages back. Your Seattle pictures are looking fine now. You could start by telling us a little about the fests? Glad to see you home safely, you road warrior, you! Richard dean_becker - Hi Ann! There's so much to talk about. First off, tell us how Todd is doing, please. zooneedles Hi Ann! Ann McCormick The past two weeks have been a bit of a blur ;-) Todd is hanging on and now looking forward to a November 2002 transition to a half-way house. I would guess he'd be out by spring, 2003. He won the appeal for the phone restrictions and can now make limited phone calls. His visiting privileges should be restored early next month. dean_becker Ann I just got through talking to Kevin Zeese, he is on the road himself, dropping his kid at college. He will not be able to make the forum tonight, but he sends his best regards. zooneedles - Why didn't he have "visiting privileges", Ann? What kind of is that? They afraid he is going to exchange clothes with somebody and escape from the place? Zoo zooneedles Yeah, I'll bet. After he hits a few of the keggers! Zoo dean_becker - I'm curious to hear about the festivals too. Let us know what it was like when you and Renee's family met with the McWilliams family please. Ann McCormick - I'm glad to be back home. Exhausted doesn't even do it justice! The festivals were energizing and a wonderful chance to catch up with everyone. zooneedles - Don't laugh but Renee looks a lot like one of my sisters. Zoo Ann McCormick Last summer Todd requested to be put back on Marinol. They did a drug test and found traces of cannibanoids in his urine. He was placed in solitary during August and September and then had his visiting privileges suspended for 1 year. He never got the marinol. It was a no-brainer that he would test positive for cannibanoids. He had been taking Marinol the entire time he was on bail. dean_becker - Ann, Were the festivals tougher than the Texas Journey for Justice? Please tell us of your memories of that 100 degree trek. Ann McCormick - Renee is a sweet girl. I'm glad we could do something to bring a smile to her face. Her mother and brother were so excited. It brightened all their lives. We want to do more of that with CompassionateMoms. There are a lot of people out there hurting because of these draconian laws. Richard Lake - Ann's pictures from the Journey for Justice are at http// Ann McCormick Each project has a different energy. In Texas, we had a set schedule to keep up on every day. Canada, once we got there, the 3 days were wide open and we didn't have to move or drive anywhere. Seattle was unique as an urban festival because of the beautiful backdrop of Puget Sound and the sheer size of it. zooneedles Man, that is some kind of bull$hit, Ann. What the hell has become of their humanity? I guess they think they can be nazis like that and don't have to answer to anyone. Even if he was tokin up a hayload, how the hell does that deserve those kind of restrictions? No need to answer, of course. It doesn't. They are just being immoral pigs and "good Christian crusaders". Zoo Ann McCormick - In Texas, we went from the hottest I have ever felt to freezing! I think it was the night we got to A&M - the wind kicked up and WoW! was it cold. We had been melting hours earlier. The Seattle weather was beautiful. We had Washingtonians telling us all weekend that what we were experiencing was NOT 'normal' Seattle weather. It was perfect, though, absolutely perfect. Ann McCormick - Good Christians? HA! The Radical Right Wingnuts hijacked Christianity. There is a quote of Ghandi's that says it all, "I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." dean_becker - That's a marvelous quote Ann. Today I had a letter published in the Jamaica Observer that finished with "Would Jesus, the Son of God, send a man to prison for smoking a herb designed by God the Father? Hypocrites!" Compassionate conservatives?.. my a$$! Ann McCormick - When you look at the direction our nation is going, and how obediently the 'masses' are being led to slaughter, you can see how things unfolded in Germany in the 20s and 30s. Crimes are being created where no criminal act exists, just as it was done by the Nazis in the 30s when they were targeting the Jews. Just like the Crown imposed laws on the Irish peasants that were selective of Irish and Catholic cultural ways, or the young US government against the native people. galan14 - Hi Ann -- Can't stay long, as Jerry and I are scheduled for a TV interview tonight, but just wanted to stop by and say hello. I remember we did that in passing in Albuquerque, saying we were going to get together later, but we never did. Anyhow, I think we're making some progress, even in this country, but what's happening in Canada and elsewhere around the world is really encouraging. Keep up the good work and keep smiling! Cheers / Al Robison zooneedles Ain't that the truth, baby?!!! gawainekaye Hello Ann, thank you for being here! I so admire your work and the sacrifices made by yourself and Todd. The fight for medical marijuana is so obviously a fight for compassion and efficacy in treatment, yet we see how heroes like Todd and Peter are persecuted by the drug warriors. And the festivals are important not only in a fight for a legally-regulated, age-restricted market in recreational drugs --they also have tremendous social value immediately even if drug law reform continues to elude us in the USA. The value of these festivals is the building of community and a flourishing subculture that gives many people important dimensions of their identity and friendships and life satisfaction. In other words, "the pursuit of happiness" is good for the psyche even if its political effects are hard to gauge. As a dad and school teacher myself I'd like to hear your perspective as a Compassionate Mom. How do you think children are affected by the drug laws? Does the Controlled Substances Act and its state-level counterparts protect children from dangerous drugs? zooneedles -It isn't just the conservatives, Dean. You know that, man. Ann McCormick - A story that has stuck with me and makes my blood run cold every time I think of it was told to me, in passing, by a friend. She had visited her son and his family in Texas and mentioned that her little 1st grader granddaughter could not (As in NOT ALLOWED)use an opaque back pack or book bag. Anything she carried had to be see-through. They are creating a generation of people who assume that it is okay to have your privacy invaded. It is acceptable. People who will never know another way. They will never know what 'freedom' feels like. You don't miss what you've never known. They will accept these restrictive, intrusive government as 'just the way it is' -- THAT is sad. lenzapleaps - Vote Libertarian for a change gawainekaye - No zoo, its the Republicrats as a bloc. There are very few politicians brave enough to take on the combined PR and lobbies of the govt and private drug warrior interests. Not to mention the egos and reputations of all the rent-a-brains at CASA and Univ of Maryland Center for Study of Substance Abuse, etc --these think tanks churning out the ideological justifications for the war on some drug users won't just watch NORML and the Europeans prove them wrong. No, they'll throw everything they've got into keeping the gravy train running, even if it means keeping drugs in a street corner black market where kids are never asked for proof of age. Who needs effective drug policy when you've got cynical moral posturing to keep the money and careers flowing, public safety and health be damned. Every dollar "wasted" on the drug war is PAID to somebody for a wage or service or product. As the Grateful Dead sang, "one man gathers while another man spills." Ann McCormick - Kids shouldn't be taking any kind of unnecessary drugs, chemicals, additives, etc... The government is fairly schizophrenic when it comes to determining what are acceptable risks and which are not. Where I really have a problem with the drug war and kids (the schools, et al..) is the amount of misinformation being spread around. The difference in our situation was that we didn't lie to Todd. We didn't over glamorize it either, we were very casual and matter of fact about things. It made it hard for him to use substance abuse as a form of rebellion -- it wasn't an 'off-limits' topic for us. Kind of took the kick out of it ;-) zooneedles - Dean Corporations, forporations, let's lay it in the lap in which it belongs... Our legislator's! Zoo dean_becker - A compassionate and WISE mother, Ann. dean_becker - I agree Zoo, except for one thing, who owns the legislators (for now), lock, stock and barrel? Forporations. Ann McCormick - The scariest thing is how many people really believe that the War on SOME Drugs is really about drugs. You've got to follow the money - and those roots are multiplying at alarming speed. Think about how many industries rely on the drug war, how much income to federal, state and local governments come from the drug war, how many jobs are created? Look at the private sector. Which industries would find hemp to be a major source of competition. Food, Fiber, Fuel -- and there is the biggie.. Petrochemicals -- OIL. What would a clean, safe, non-toxic, environmentally-friendly alternative do to oil interests? dean_becker - Ann, If you could catch the attention of Bush, Ashcroft, Hutchison, etal, what would you like to say to them? zooneedles - I like Ann, she's a smart chick. Ann McCormick - We cannot control the sale of anything on the black market. I think we need to look at grapes for a model. I've never heard of cops being confused between a wine grape or a jelly grape. Store managers aren't confused between a bottle of grape juice and a bottle of wine. They know which customer to ask for an ID. Why is it assumed that people suddenly become incapable of making decisions when hemp/cannabis is involved? maryjaneflores - Hi, Ann, Nice to see you here - I'm glad I didn't miss you. I met you at the Journey for Justice Texas. If you remember me my real name was Tami from Houston (I'm the one that was as short as you). I am on someone else's computer so I don't know whether I will be able to get back on before you leave so just wishing you and Todd well and hope everything goes at or sooner than expected. Ann McCormick - I don't know what anyone could say to them that would make a difference. They KNOW this whole thing is a smoke screen (no pun intended) - They KNOW - especially G.W. that marijuana is not the problem. But that is our problem. Knowing that THEY KNOW and, yet, do nothing to reverse it. It really makes you wonder where the real orders come from. Who are those little hands in distant (or not so distant) lands pulling little strings..? Who is really calling the shots. I feel sometimes like we are all merely little pawns on someone's Monopoly board. Ann McCormick - Hi Tami! I certainly do remember you! Write to me at gawainekaye - Its true Zoo, the lawmakers are the kingpins in this dirty war. They can take a stand and create a genuine public health policy for drugs, or they can continue the cowardly posturing that brings the mess we have now. After all, a legally-regulated market will create NEW interests, and these are unlikely to be as destructive of lives as the prisons and goons now keeping the market on the streetcorners. So we need to get the black ministers and soccer moms to see the true political economy of prohibition so they can pressure the politicians who usually only respond to the plutocrats and organized interests. The public seems too diffuse to qualify as an organized interest, which unfortunately is all the Republicrats seem to understand.... dean_becker - "They KNOW this whole thing is a smoke screen" Jack Herer was on track with the Emperor correlation. We just have to get enough people to look at the reality, then maybe the identity of the real emperor will become obvious. zooneedles - Ann "Who is really calling the shots. I feel sometimes like we are all merely little pawns on someone's Monopoly board." We are all individually guilty for allowing these laws to exist. We need only say in mass, "no, no longer". As the Berlin wall fell, so too shall this evil, then the next, then the next, until we find humanity. Now, I must roll me a phatty. Zoo Ann McCormick - There are so many conflicting messages in society - 1) NO ONE is above the law. (We suffered through 2 years of having that reminder run non-stop - "No one is above the law, even the President.") 2) It is illegal to prescribe medicine without a license. 3) How many cops, probation officers, prosecutors, judges, legislators and other bureaucrats have medical degrees? Aren't they practicing medicine without a license? Isn't that illegal? dean_becker - Ann, Please tell us about some of your plans and maybe some advice on things we can do to help the drug reform movement. Ann McCormick - Sadly, vast numbers of people are going to be squeezed quite badly until the level of outrage surpasses apathy. G.W. may be the catalyst to get that sentiment moving. He's establishing quite a 'squad' to do his dirty work, isn't he? What was that... "Compassionate Conservatism?" (Oh, dear, barf bag, please..) dean_becker -Today a faction of the Methodist Church signed on to the UN appeal for the end of the drug war. I intend to involve my local churches, or at least attempt to bridge the gap. Our Truth is easily much louder that the supposed truth of the drug warrior. Ann, think I'll get slapped down? Ann McCormick - Right now, aside from Todd's case, individually, my focus is on CompassionateMoms. CompassionateMoms is not so much an activist group as a support network FOR activists. We're trying to add some sunshine and quality of life to areas of drug war damage that falls through the cracks. We're concentrating on personal needs - toy drives for the drug war orphans during the holidays, an outfit for someone to wear to court, a grocery voucher for a family, an airline ticket to visit a spouse being held many miles away. Think USO or Red Cross of the anti-prohibition movement. gawainekaye - Ann wouldn't it be great if court-ordered public service can be performed through Compassionate Moms? zooneedles - Ann, will you come visit us in this forum now and then? Zoo Ann McCormick - Dean, I think, if you can get a good group of speakers to go around with you to local church groups and do a solid, precise presentation with facts, figures, stats and personal stories -- you would be pleasantly surprised by the reaction. People 'get it' -- the message seems to get screwed up on the way to Washington DC.. Richard Lake - There is a website just about the public letter to the UN at http// Lindesmith-DPF Sends Delegation to South Africa * A coalition of drug policy reform advocates organized by The Lindesmith Center-Drug Policy Foundation and the ACLU, will send a delegation to the United Nations World Conference Against Racism in Durban, South Africa, next week. They will be armed with an open letter to United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan, urging him to place this issue on the agenda of the U.N. To date, the letter has been signed by more than 250 prominent celebrities, academics, religious leaders, business leaders, elected officials, and activists. http// Letter to Kofi Annan, with signatories, translated into Spanish, French and Portuguese http// celaya - Hi Ann Bill Maher says in an article at CompassionateMoms http// Legalizing marijuana is that rare issue just waiting for a champion, because most people in America either smoke, did smoke, or know people who do, and they know prohibition is stupid. Framed correctly, this wall could fall. The reason it hasn't already is sheer apathy. After 30 years of feeling the apathy get thicker and thicker, many times I wonder if this country is worth it any more. Do you ever get that feeling? Renee is in Canada. Does she ever say the heck with the U.S.? No one could blame her if she did. Other countries are moving toward enlightenment while the U.S. digs in it's heels to keep on persecuting people who harm no one. Don't you think this country just might be about to self-destruct or become a giant Saudi Arabia, and that the wisest move might be to get out before it's too late? Sometimes I think our optimism is just as misplaced as the disbelieving Jews in Nazi Germany. dean_becker - "come visit us in this forum" ..yes please. You are a ray of light. Come back anytime, I ask all the Guests to visit the other Guests when they can as well...Like Al did tonite. Ann McCormick - Yes, I will come back and visit, now that I know how to get in here ;-) CompassionateMoms as a form of community service could be an interesting goal to shoot for. Our website is currently under construction http// -- but our mail list is at yahoo groups. I'm looking for the URL right now.. Richard Lake - I recall asking Renee if she would return to the U.S. if all the charges, etc. were for sure to just go away. Her answer was "No!" While she would be willing to visit, she made it very clear that the relative freedom and the kindness of the people where she lived was such that she would not want to live anywhere else. It is a shame to see some of our very best citizens voting against the U.S. with their feet, or being forced to leave, like the Kubbys. But the thought of moving has crossed my mind more than once. Richard zooneedles - Celaya, the Canadians have shown in the past that they will only take so many of us, heheh. Zoo Ann McCormick - Marijuana prohibition would be something people would be vocal about, had they not lumped it in with cocaine, heroin and other things we know to be killers - and then made the bar so high. When I was 20 yrs old, if you got caught with Mj, you got scolded and they took the bag - -- now they take your car, your house, your life savings, first born child, years of your life, future earnings... zooneedles - I have to go now, Ann. Birthday party for the kids. You are a goddess. Zoo Ann McCormick - Celaya and Richard, I have to admit, the thought has crossed my mind as well. I found out that people with a parent or grandparent born in Ireland can simply apply for their Irish citizenship. It's there, waiting for you. And you do not have to give up your US citizenship if you choose not to. It's tempting... But, right now, my government is holding my first born hostage --- for GARDENING. Maybe, when Todd is free... Richard Lake - Ann, thanks so much for visiting here! Ann McCormick - I'm still pretty tired from traveling, so I'm going to call it a night, too. G'nite all It's been a pleasure chatting with you. hugs ann CompassionateMoms mail list http// Donations http// -- contact old site http// http// --- http// --- http// dean_becker - Hugs right back. I am so proud of the degree of excellence our Guests bring to this forum. Thank you Ann! celaya - Richard Thanks for sharing that. Many times when I bring this up, I get accused of being too negative and giving up on our country. But it is just possible that the citizenry have lost their spirit and that the 60's was the last dying splash of it. To ignore that possibility is, to me, just as ostrich-like as those who never question the drug war. celaya - Ann But, right now, my government is holding my first born hostage - --- for GARDENING. Understood. Thanks for coming. Stay strong. gawainekaye - Ann, thank you so much for the inspiration! I hope you feel the love coming back at you for all your work and sacrifice. I'll write some letters on Todd's behalf in the next few days. Love and health and happiness and freedom to you and Todd and all you touch! - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake