Pubdate: Tue, 28 Aug 2001
Source: Beckley Register-Herald (WV)
Copyright: 2001 The Register-Herald
Contact: (304) 255-5625
Author: Nerissa Young


HINTON - Noting the comparison to a game show, Summers Circuit Judge Robert 
Irons asked in mock seriousness Monday, "Will the real Kevin Thompson step 
forward?" The identity of one of the state's confidential informants in a 
series of drug cases remained in question at a defendant's hearing.

Defense attorney Joe Aucremanne said he paid a visit to Logan County in 
search of informant Kevin Thompson, who allegedly lives in Whitman. "I went 
to Logan County and I couldn't find Kevin Thompson down there."

He said the only Kevin Thompson in Whitman claimed to have never visited 
Summers County. Two other Kevin Thompsons in Logan County would not likely 
have found their way past Beckley to Hinton, he noted.

Aucremanne accused the State Police of giving false information in the case 
against 24-year-old Shon Dewayne Jackson of Hinton.

Jackson was among 18 defendants indicted by the March grand jury on 
multiple drug felonies. State Police conducted an undercover drug sting a 
year ago. Jackson was charged with possession and delivery of crack 
cocaine. Other defendants were charged with possession and delivery of the 
highly addictive prescription medicine OxyContin and other prescription drugs.

Irons noted that his grandfather had the same name as three other men in 
the area. His grandfather, who liked to fox hunt, was known as Fox John 
Patton. Another man who raised hogs was known as Hog John Patton.

Aucremanne said, "Maybe the State Police can put this one down as Snitchin' 
Kevin Thompson."

Summers Prosecutor Jim McNeely said he had no information to indicate the 
Kevin Thompson identified as the informant was not the informant.

"We will certainly look into it now that it's been brought to our 
attention." He said he would contact the State Police to confirm Thompson's 
legal address.

As part of court rules, the state is required to disclose the name and 
address of its witnesses.

Jackson's trial is scheduled next week.

The attorneys said they would have the informant identity issue resolved 
when Jackson returns to court Friday.
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