Pubdate: Wed, 29 Aug 2001
Source: Daily Herald (IL)
Copyright: 2001 The Daily Herald Company
Author: Susan Strozewski


The July 27 editorial regarding the rise in emergency room visits for drug 
abuse certainly underlines the need for more effective drug prevention 
education. The question must be asked: Do we have a situation where one 
drug of choice is being replaced with another? How do the "pro-drug" 
commercials that are seen each day by teenagers fit into the picture? Pills 
for depression - pills to stop smoking - pills to control appetites. Then 
there are commercials for pills that don't really even state what they are 
for - just that you should ask your doctor if it might be right for you. 
The message is very clear: Got a problem? Take a pill.

As the chairman for the Drug-Free Marshals anti-drug crusade in the 
Midwest, I believe in validating kids for their ability to recognize the 
truth when they hear it. But first, they have to be given the truth, which 
is just what a program called Narconon does. Supported by the Church of 
Scientology and based on the drug rehabilitation technology developed by L. 
Ron Hubbard, the Narconon drug education program discourages drug use 
simply by telling the truth about the long- and short-term effects of drugs 
on the mind, and by going over the mechanics of how these effects occur.

The program also goes into exactly what drugs are made of and how they are 
developed. Have you ever looked at the fact that alcohol is actually a 
byproduct of rotten food? Give them the truth, and keep it simple - they 
will recognize it.

The Rev. Susan Strozewski
Church of Scientology
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