Pubdate: Fri, 31 Aug 2001
Source: Los Angeles Times (CA)
Copyright: 2001 Los Angeles Times
Author: Monte Morin, Times Staff Writer
Bookmark: (Cannabis)


Drugs: Anonymous Tip Leads Authorities To What Might Be O.C.'S Largest Crop 
Deep In Cleveland National Forest.

Tipped off by an anonymous caller, authorities Thursday uncovered what 
appears to be Orange County's largest marijuana farm hidden amid the sharp 
mountain ridges and desolate canyons of Cleveland National Forest.

More than a dozen Orange County Sheriff's deputies hiked three hours 
through thick stands of beaver tail cactus and live oak before discovering 
some 2,000 fully grown marijuana plants in a rugged area near the Orange 
County-Riverside County border.

The cannabis, which reaches 3 to 6 feet at full growth, in some cases had 
been carefully planted beneath trees for concealment. It was nurtured by a 
sophisticated irrigation system of plastic pipes and hoses. Officials said 
they were still trying to figure out how the operation worked but said 
pipes appeared to get water from a nearby well. Detectives believe the farm 
existed for some six months before deputies leveled the crop with axes and 
chain saws Thursday afternoon. No arrests have been made.

Sheriff's Department spokesman Jim Amormino estimated the value of the 
plants at more than $3 million, a haul so large that it will take two days 
to remove the plants from the canyon by helicopter.

"Whoever did this knew exactly what they were doing," said an undercover 
narcotics deputy who asked not to be named. "This is not cheap stuff and 
there's a lot of it. We don't make these kinds of finds very often."

While authorities were shocked by the size of the farm, residents of the 
eclectic back country were less impressed. In a mountainous region that 
attracts millionaires, Love Generation refugees, hermits, artists and 
bikers, groves of marijuana plants come with the territory, they said.

"Am I surprised. No way," said Chathi Anderson, a patron at Cook's Corner, 
the canyon's famed roadhouse located about 10 miles from the farm. "I don't 
think people look at it as a crime. I'm sure there were people who hiked up 
through there and saw it and didn't get concerned."

Bartender Rhonda Palmeri added: "This is a place where you get real 
different walks of life, all different types of people. You get everything 
from preppies to cowboys to hippies . . ."

Deputies found the farm several miles from the dead end of Trabuco Creek 
Road, a dirt road that features a handful of dilapidated shacks and 
trailers, as well as a tiny airstrip for remote-controlled airplanes.

As sheriff's deputies prepared to begin piling the plants into a large net 
that would be airlifted from the forest to the airstrip, where it would 
then be jammed into a truck and driven off for burning, residents shrugged 
at the news.

Orange County is not considered a major spot for marijuana growing, and 
other parts of the state have recorded much larger busts. But local 
officials said they've never found such a large farm in the county. A 
6,000-plant farm was discovered this year in Angeles National Forest. An 
even larger one was uncovered recently in San Diego County.

Investigators are still trying to determine who grew the plants.

But back at Cook's Corner, patrons had their own ideas about who made the 
anonymous call alerting authorities.

"The deal went bad, somebody got somebody else mad," Kristy Yovin said.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom