Pubdate: Sun, 02 Sep 2001
Source: Cleveland Daily Banner (TN)
Copyright: 2001 Cleveland Daily Banner
Author: Elizabeth De Medici, Banner Staff Writer
Bookmark: (Corruption)


Petty Admits Took Drug Funds

Joe Petty, Calhoun police chief, has resigned after admitting to city 
officials that he took money from the city drug fund, according to Calhoun 
City Manager Joe Bryan.

Bryan said Petty allegedly used the money to cover bad check charges in 
General Sessions Court against his wife.

"We were aware of his (Petty) wife's situation for a while now," said 
Bryan. "Even though he is no longer my employee, I will continue to be his 

"Even though Joe Petty took desperate measures to keep his family together, 
like he said in his resignation letter, a violation of the law did take 
place that could only result in Joe no longer holding the office of police 
chief for the city of Calhoun."

Bryan said that Petty will continue to finish paper work and several court 
cases that are pending.

"In a very desperate measure to keep my family together, I have committed 
an unlawful act against you and the citizens of Calhoun," Petty wrote in 
his resignation letter to Bryan.

"The act I have committed and acknowledged before members of the TBI 
(Tennessee Bureau of Investigation) is totally unacceptable, regardless of 
the circumstances."

Bryan went on to say that he has received numerous calls from Calhoun 
residents, who in no way condone his acts, but are willing to offer any 
help where needed.

"It is a very sad situation, but hopefully Joe and his family will be able 
to overcome this and begin the process of putting their lives together 
again," said Bryan. "He and his family will be in the prayers of many 
people in this community during the upcoming months."

In his resignation letter, Petty apologized for the "wrongs I have 
committed and am very sorry for violating the trust the citizens of Calhoun 
have placed in me. I further regret any negative publicity this may cause 
the town."

Bryan said that while Petty was police chief, he had done an excellent job 
in leading a successful campaign to rid the city of illegal drugs.

"Arrests for DUI increased over 300 percent from prior administrations, and 
our roadways became much safer as a very intensive traffic campaign took 
place," Bryan said.

He added that Petty was instrumental in getting two grants for the city 
that provided much needed police equipment and computer technology.

"But regardless of his accomplishments," Bryan said, "he did make a very 
wrong decision that is now altering his future."

Bryan said he has hired one new certified officer and two additional 
reserves. "The city of Calhoun is well covered," he added.

Officer Chris Nicholson is now acting police chief until a new one can be 
found, according to Bryan.

TBI Supervisor Richard Brogan said the investigation into the incident is 
now complete and all information is being turned over to the McMinn County 
District Attorney's office.
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