Pubdate: Tue, 11 Sep 2001
Source: New York Times (NY)
Copyright: 2001 The New York Times Company
Section: International
Author: Juan Forero


BOGOTA, Colombia, Sept. 10 -- A day before Secretary of State Colin L. 
Powell was to arrive to meet President Andres Pastrana, the Bush 
administration today blacklisted a right-wing paramilitary group as a 
terrorist organization responsible for hundreds of massacres in its war 
against leftist rebels.

Being put on the State Department list of terrorist groups means that 
financial support for the organization is illegal. The action also makes it 
easier for the United States to seize assets, an important factor because 
investigators here estimate that the paramilitary groups have hundreds of 
millions of dollars in foreign bank accounts.

Washington made its decision as the group, the United Self-Defense Forces 
of Colombia, has embarked on a program to shuffle its command and remake 
its image.

On June 6, the longtime commander of the 8,000-member group, Carlos 
Castano, resigned to oversee its political wing. On Wednesday, the group 
said it was forming a nationwide political movement to "to dignify politics 
and make peace possible."

But to human rights groups and the State Department, the Self-Defense 
Forces is simply seen as a brutally efficient killing machine responsible 
for thousands of deaths in the last decade, mainly of civilians suspected 
by the group of being rebel sympathizers.

"Many of these massacres were designed to terrorize and intimidate local 
populations so the A.U.C. could gain control of these areas," Secretary 
Powell said in a statement, referring to the group by its Spanish initials. 
"I hope this will leave no doubt that the United States considers terrorism 
to be unacceptable, regardless of the political or ideological purpose."

The secretary's visit is intended to reassure the government here that 
although the Bush administration is reviewing its anti-drug policy in 
Colombia, it is not contemplating a change in the drive to strengthen the 
military to fight drugs and support peace negotiations.

Mr. Pastrana's efforts against drugs are being supported by $1.1 billion in 
American aid. But they have been complicated by the paramilitary groups, 
who have attacked peace advocates and worked to derail peace efforts with 
rebels. The group is also heavily involved in drug trafficking and, human 
rights groups say, benefits from close ties to some military units.
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