Pubdate: Sat, 15 Sep 2001
Source: Maple Ridge News (CN BC)
Copyright: 2001 Maple Ridge News
Author: J. E. Morley


Re: Cell phones OK in class, board says (Sept. 1).

Have members of the school board gone stark staring mad in agreeing to the 
use of cell phones in schools?

I see nothing in the article in question that indicates that phones must be 
compulsorily switched off while classes are in progress.

While the adult world is busily engaged in trying to persuade businessmen 
and others that cell phone use in restaurants and theatres is the height of 
bad manners, the schools seem to be saying that the Human Right (where did 
that gem come from) to carry a phone transcends all other negative aspects.

The red herring of safety has been trotted out. Did the board carry out the 
most elementary and obvious inquiry as to how many genuinely serious 
situations have either been averted or satisfactorily dealt with by use of 
a cell pone in the classroom that could not have been dealt with by a call 
to the school office?

The article nowhere states what limits are placed on the use of phones in 
class - or for that matter if any such limits exist. Are a student's rights 
seriously infringed if a teacher prevents a student from having a giggle 
with his girlfriend two classrooms away or must the normal business of the 
classroom have to grind to a halt while a kid takes a telemarketing call 
from a friendly neighbourhood dope pedlar?

Ridiculous, no doubt, but possible if no limits are in place and students 
are not required to subsequently justify calls to and from the classroom.

J. E. Morley, Maple Ridge
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