Pubdate: Thu, 27 Sep 2001
Source: Daily Herald (IL)
Copyright: 2001 The Daily Herald Company
Author: Darlene Marcusson


The events of Sept. 11 have left us all shocked and saddened. From the 
complexity of the events on Sept. 11, it is clear that the terrorists had 
been planning for quite some time. The question that is on the mind of many 
is, "What's next? Will they attempt to poison our air or water supply?" I 
think it is important that we all realize they already have unleashed 
poison on us.

In the early 1990s, those who supply illegal drugs put a new strategy into 
place for heroin. They decided to greatly increase its potency, thereby 
making it possible to smoke or snort the drug rather than inject it. They 
then "marketed" it to unsuspecting young people in the West who never would 
have begun using heroin if they had to inject it.

Of course, once they tried it, they often became addicted immediately and 
in short order found themselves injecting heroin several times daily. The 
price tag for this daily ritual, which addicts are compelled to do to ward 
off horrible withdrawal symptoms, is more than $100 each day.

The devastation that heroin has caused our community, our country and the 
world may not be visible, but easily rivals the devastation of Sept. 11 in 
terms of lives lost and families destroyed. And it has another component 
that the events of Sept. 11 do not. What happened on Sept. 11 has 
strengthened our character and brought us together as a country. Heroin has 
undermined our moral fiber and caused our crime rate to skyrocket.

Most of the heroin that arrives in the United States comes from Colombia 
via Mexico. Most of the heroin in Europe comes from Afghanistan. In fact, 
the largest poppy fields in the world are in Afghanistan, providing a ready 
source of income to those who control that region. What better way to 
finance the terrorists' evil schemes?

Hijacked jetliners are lethal weapons, and we are now taking many 
additional steps to ensure airline safety. What steps are we taking to 
ensure safety from the insidious enemy within named heroin?

While we now need to be a nation on guard and watchful, we also need to 
continue to be a nation of freedom, where all people are equal and 
respected, whatever their nationality or religious beliefs.

The terrorists would delight at turning us into a nation of haters, 
suspicious and intolerant of our neighbors just because of their religious 
beliefs or ethnic background

We must find those responsible for the terrible events of Sept. 11 and all 
those who support terrorism, and put a stop to their reign of terror. But 
if we allow ourselves to be consumed with hate, then the enemy already has 
won without dropping a single additional bomb.

Let us not live in ignorance about the evil plans that have been laid to 
undermine our civilization; let us instead resolve to work together and 
stand firm against this evil on all fronts, and may God bless and save America.

Darlene Marcusson

Executive Director

Lazarus House

St. Charles
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom