Pubdate: Mon, 01 Oct 2001
Source: Knoxville News-Sentinel (TN)
Copyright: 2001 The Knoxville News-Sentinel Co.
Author: James Rosen
Bookmark: (Terrorism)


Long before he became Public Enemy No. 1, Osama bin Laden was waging 
a different kind of war on Americans and their Western allies.

Since the mid-1990s, while the spotlight shone on cocaine cartels in 
Latin America, bin Laden fortified a drug-trafficking network that 
provided major revenues for Afghanistan's Taliban regime - and 
financed his al Qaeda network of terrorism.

The renegade Saudi's commerce in narcotics helped make Afghanistan 
the world's leading exporter of heroin, some 2,200 pounds of which 
reached the United States last year, according to the State 

Worth at least 260 million in street value, some of the proceeds from 
the American heroin sales found their way back to bin Laden, who 
stands accused by President Bush of orchestrating the Sept. 11 
suicide hijack attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

"What better way to poison the Western world than through drugs," 
said Donnie Marshall, who headed the U.S. Drug Enforcement 
Administration from July 1999 through June of this year. "It's 
another weapon in their arsenal."

Yoseff Bodansky, author of a 1999 biography of bin Laden and director 
of the congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional 
Warfare, said the terrorist kingpin takes a 15 percent cut of the 
drug trade money in exchange for protecting smugglers and laundering 
their profits. "The Afghans are selling 7 to 8 billion dollars of 
drugs in the West a year," Bodansky said. "Bin Laden oversees the 
export of drugs from Afghanistan. His people are involved in growing 
the crops, processing and shipping. When Americans buy drugs, they 
fund the jihad (holy war)." Rachel Ehrenfeld, who tracks 
international money laundering and drug trafficking as director of 
the Center for the Study of Corruption in New York, said bin Laden 
recycles the drug proceeds through businesses in Europe and the Far 

"The drug trade is a triple-pronged weapon for bin Laden and the 
Taliban," she said. "It finances their activities. It undermines the 
enemy. And it proves that the enemy is corrupt, which they then use 
in their own recruiting propaganda."

Heroin is produced in labs through a chemical process from opium gum, 
a thick sap scraped from the scored flower bulbs of poppy plants 
Afghanistan's Taliban rulers announced a ban on poppy plant 
cultivation 14 months ago. Before the Sept. 11 attacks, they 
complained that the ban had not succeeded in easing economic 
sanctions the United Nations imposed on Afghanistan in 1998 for 
harboring terrorists and drug traffickers.

"We have done what needed to be done, putting our people and our 
farmers through immense difficulties," Abdol Hamid Akhondzadeh, 
director of the Taliban's High Commission on Drug Control, said in 
May. "We expected to be rewarded for our actions, but instead were 
punished with additional sanctions."

But a five-person panel of United Nations experts concluded that 10 
months after the ban, stored opium was being sold to buy arms, 
"finance the training of terrorists and support the operation of 
terrorists in neighboring countries and beyond."

The U.N. panel also noted that Afghanistan was still importing large 
quantities of acetic anhydride, the main chemical used in heroin 

Many Western experts suspect the Taliban of stockpiling opium gum and 
heroin, which unlike cocaine have long shelf lives and can be stored 
for years if securely packaged.

"They have reduced poppy cultivation over the last year or two, but I 
think that was largely a sham," said Marshall, the former DEA chief. 
"There is a lot of evidence that they have stockpiled opium gum and 
that limiting cultivation is not going to have any impact because 
they have been preparing for several years to do that."
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