Pubdate: Wed, 03 Oct 2001
Source: Jamaica Observer (Jamaica)
Copyright: 2001 The Jamaica Observer Ltd,
Contact:  http://www.jamaicaobserver.com
Details: http://www.mapinc.org/media/1127
Bookmark: http://www.mapinc.org/pot.htm (Cannabis)


MOUNTAINSIDE, St Elizabeth -- About one and a half acres of fully-grown 
ganja plants, 30,000 seedlings and 50 pounds of the cured weed were 
destroyed by the police at Mountainside in St Elizabeth on Monday.

The police report that officers from the St Elizabeth division and members 
of the Area 3 Narcotics Squad, carried out an operation at Mountainside 
between the hours of 11:00 am and 5:00 pm.

During the operation, the policemen destroyed the mature plants, along with 
the seedlings that were growing nearby. The cured ganja which was found at 
the back of a house was burnt.

No arrest was made.

And a man who was wanted by the Duhaney Park Police in Kingston, in 
connection with a double murder committed earlier this year, was Sunday 
detained by the police at Union in St Elizabeth.

The man, a 25-year-old labourer of a Christopher Boulevard, Kingston 19 
address, was held at about 9:30 pm after the Balaclava police received 
information that he was hiding out in the area.

The police said, however, that his name was being withheld as he had not 
been charged.
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MAP posted-by: Beth