Pubdate: Tue, 30 Jan 2001 Source: Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (AR) Copyright: 2001 Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Inc. Contact: 121 East Capitol Avenue, Little Rock, Arkansas, 72201 Website: Forum: Author: Jeff Laha, Little Rock As an American, I am outraged that our government would support a so-called war on drugs. This policy that is strongly supported by both the Democrats and Republicans is nothing short of murder. Murder may sound like a stretch, but how can our government justify sending helicopter gunships with .50-caliber machine guns to kill drugs? Now there is a stretch. I strongly disagree with any military action that would hide behind a lie of any sort. I strongly disagreed with sending men, money and equipment overseas to support this lie. Think about how much money we have sent to other countries in the name of this so-called war on drugs. Consider if there was no war on drugs. Would that make drugs more appealing to you? Would you run out and go buy some drugs? Do not guess what other people would do, what would you do? Do you believe our government when it tells us this war is necessary to stop people from using drugs? Do you believe our government when it tells us this war is saving lives? - --- MAP posted-by: Beth