Pubdate: Tue, 30 Jan 2001
Source: Denver Rocky Mountain News (CO)
Copyright: 2001 Denver Publishing Co.
Contact:  400 W. Colfax, Denver, CO 80204
Author: Norm Olsen


A relative of a friend of mine is serving a five-year sentence for growing
some marijuana plants for use by himself and some cronies. By rolling over
on his cronies, the mandatory sentence was reduced from 12 years.

Now his two children will grow up without him. His wife will have to raise
their kids on one income. His family has lost all their assets and equity in
their house to pay the legal expenses.

Meanwhile, Bill Clinton pardons his brother and Education Secretary Richard
Riley's son of drug offenses. This is American justice?

While this is despicable, it is not surprising. Slimeballs do despicable
things, routinely. What is really disgusting is that the mainline media did
little to bring this to the public's attention. Hang your heads in shame.

Norm Olsen

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