Pubdate: Thu, 25 Oct 2001
Source: Indianapolis Star (IN)
Copyright: 2001 Indianapolis Newspapers Inc.


Our position: Jails should end automatic strip searches of inmates. The 
practice has been abused and has made local governments vulnerable to lawsuits.

In Marion County, jailers must suspect an inmate is hiding weapons, drugs 
or other contraband before conducting a strip search. That should be the 
policy in all of Indiana's jails.

Though the practice of strip searching jail prisoners varies widely, 
counties have begun to move away from the controversial practice. Those 
that continue the searches could find themselves embroiled in cases such as 
the one faced by Hamilton County.

A woman prisoner there claims that she was wrestled to the floor while 
taking a shower and her underwear removed by three officers, two of them 
men. The Hamilton County Sheriff's Department said jailers acted when she 
refused an order to disrobe completely.

Hamilton County's policy on strip searches, which has been changed since 
the lawsuit was filed last week, was similar to the one in Floyd County 
that required strip searches for all prisoners before they were placed in 
the general inmate population. Floyd County's policy was ruled 
unconstitutional by a U.S. District Court earlier this month.

Whatever happens in the Hamilton County case, the jailers' behavior raised 
serious questions. The incident appeared to be an example of how not to 
conduct a search.

The prisoner was called out of her cell in the dead of night to take a 
delousing shower, which could have waited until morning. Her clothes were 
removed in the presence of male officers, and according to the lawsuit, 
taken off by a man.

There were at least two female officers on duty at the time who could have 
been summoned to subdue the 107-pound prisoner and remove her remaining 
clothing. If more force were needed, male officers could have assisted in 
placing her in restraints.

In addition, there appeared to be no good reason for placing the prisoner 
naked in a holding cell with an open window and camera in an area with male 

In 1999, the Indiana Sheriffs Association recommended that counties end 
strip searches unless there is reasonable suspicion that a suspect is 
concealing contraband. If they haven't already, county sheriffs who run the 
jails should take note.
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MAP posted-by: Beth