Pubdate: Mon, 29 Oct 2001
Source: Kelowna Capital News (BC)
Copyright: 2001, Kelowna Capital News Ltd.
Author: John McDonald
Bookmark: (Treatment)


Health region officials are waiting to see if the transfer of addiction 
services to its jurisdiction will have an effect on its current budget deficit.

As part of its shuffle of health care, the Liberals decided to move 
addiction services from the former Ministry for Children and Families to 
the Ministry of Health and ultimately to local health regions.

Kim Marshall, program director for mental health services at the Okanagan 
Similkameen Health Region, said a three-member committee has been struck to 
oversee the transfer.

At this point, Marshall said it is not clear if the 19 programs currently 
running in the health region will be transferred along with their annual 

The annual budget for those programs, which include everything from 
Crossroads detox and supportive recovery centre to programs for youth, 
women and aboriginals, amounts to $2.6 million. However, several million 
dollars more is charged back to the Ministry of Human Resources for daily 
bed rates.

The health region is facing a budget deficit of $6.8 million this year and 
as much as $27 million next year, so it can ill-afford to take on new 
funding commitments, said chief financial officer Chris Mazurkewich.

"We're assuming (the programs) will come fully funded," he added. "If they 
don't, it could be a problem."

Ministry spokeswoman Nadine Criddell said funding for the programs has not 
been fully established but that it was reasonable to assume the same 
funding freeze on health and education budgets would apply to addiction 

Marshall said she and fellow committee members Bill Moorehead and Ken 
Burrows would be meeting in mid-November at which point more information on 
the transfer would be forthcoming from the Ministry of Health.

Marshall said the committee would be conducting a review of each program as 
part of the transfer. What is known is that the transfer is due to be 
complete by April 1, 2002.
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