Pubdate: Fri, 09 Nov 2001
Source: Herald, The (UK)
Copyright: 2001 The Herald
Author: Craig Watson
Bookmark: (Drug Courts)


The country's first US-style drug courts will be among the toughest in 
Europe, the launch of a pilot project was told yesterday.

Iain Gray, the deputy justice minister, acknowledged that the current 
system had failed drug addicts.

He said the two-year pilot in Glasgow, which starts sitting on Monday, 
would offer those addicts a new chance to break the "root cause of their 

Mr Gray said: "Drug courts offer them a way out of the cycle of crime, if 
they are ready to take part in a rigorous programme of testing and 
treatment. We must be smarter so that we can rebuild and strengthen 
communities blighted by drugs."

Those selected for jurisdiction under the new system will undergo a 
programme of urine tests, assessment and rehabilitation in a bid to prove 
to a dedicated court drug team they are making every effort to stop their 

It is expected that the court, sitting for up to four days a week in the 
sheriff court, will handle between 150 and 200 cases every year.

Moira Price, a former Glasgow fiscal who will help co-ordinate the new 
court, said: "This is not a soft option - it is one of the most intensive 
community-based disposal systems you can get."

 From arrest, drug offenders dealt with by the new court will make contact 
up to twice a week with workers over a four-week assessment and testing 
period, before being given a treatment order of up to three years by a 
specially-trained sheriff.

Those considered by the court to be failing the provisions of the order may 
face further punishment, and possibly prison.
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