Pubdate: Fri, 09 Nov 2001
Source: Oklahoman, The (OK)
Copyright: 2001 The Oklahoma Publishing Co.
Author: Jim Killackey


As many as 1,300 Oklahoma physicians abuse drugs or alcohol, statistics 
show. One in five is at risk of substance abuse. Driving these statistics, 
said Dr. Harold Thiessen, director of the Health Professionals Recovery 
Program, are a number of factors -- controlling and perfectionist 
personalities, genetics, stress, fatigue and easy access to prescription drugs.

"These tend to be the best and brightest doctors ... who fall prey," 
Thiessen said Thursday during a break at a meeting of the Oklahoma State 
Board of Medical Licensure.

Physicians, he said, suffer from two conditions he termed "MDiety" and the 
"candy store effect."

"They're highly trained and disciplined to treat illnesses," he said. "So 
instead of calling a colleague for help, they tend to want to treat 
themselves, and that rarely works. And they really have access to drugs -- 
like a kid in a candy store."

Physicians often get large supplies of free drug samples and abusers 
frequently write illegal prescriptions for themselves, he said.

The licensure board regulates Oklahoma's 5,383 licensed doctors of 
medicine. A separate board regulates the state's 1,100 doctors of osteopathy.

On Thursday, the board considered disciplinary action against seven medical 
doctors who had been accused of substance abuse violations.

Dr. Orville L. Webb of Lawton and Dr. Terry Rapp of Miami, OK, surrendered 
their licenses in lieu of prosecution for drug-related offenses. Other 
disciplinary actions or case continuances included Drs. Steven R Marburger, 
Kimberly Gage and Elliott H. Howe of Tulsa; Dr. Ricky Joe Nelson of 
Oklahoma City; and Dr. Donald Becker of Blackwell.

The board meets again today, and is scheduled to reject the license 
reinstatement of Dr. Jeffrey Schimandle of Oklahoma City. He had his 
license revoked earlier for drug abuse.

"There's no shortage of business for us," board Executive Director Lyle R. 
Kelsey said.

Kelsey said violations are on the rise, which he attributes to colleagues, 
co-workers, pharmacists and hospital employees being more willing to come 
forward and report doctors impaired by drugs and alcohol.

Of primary concern, Thiessen said, is patient care and how drugs and 
alcohol "affect a doctor's ability to practice good medicine."

Thiessen, a recovering alcoholic, said typical cases involve doctors who 
initially start using prescription drugs for back pain or other chronic 

"Then, they begin taking painkillers to treat stress and nervousness, and 
they really start liking the euphoria. They start taking more and more, and 
before you know it, the drugs affect their behavior and their judgment.

"They have mood swings, irrational behavior and other adverse consequences 
from the drugs," Thiessen said.

The Health Professionals Recovery Program, formerly called the Physician 
Recovery Program, started in 1983. It has helped about 800 impaired 
physicians in 18 years.

The recovery rate is 85 percent, Thiessen said.

The Oklahoma program normally refers doctors to long-term recovery programs 
in Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oregon or Virginia. 
Those clinics are designed to treat doctors, business executives, attorneys 
and ministers.

Treatment lasts from three months to a year.

After in-patient treatment, doctors in the recovery program must agree to 
five years of aftercare that includes random drug screening.

The treatment program is funded by the Physicians Liability Insurance 
Program, and the state medical and osteopathic associations.

 From February 2000 to June 2001, 12 osteopathic physicians were involved 
in long-term, out-of-state treatment prompted by participation in the 
recovery program, said Lynette McLain, executive director of the Oklahoma 
Osteopathic Association.

"Those who complete the program are better physicians for it," McLain said. 
"They are healthier in their own right, and their practices benefit."
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