Pubdate: Thu, 15 Nov 2001
Source: Los Angeles Times (CA)
Copyright: 2001 Los Angeles Times
Author: Jenifer Warren

The State


Hearing: Legislators Are Told The Program Was Unprepared For The Complex 
Needs Of The Clientele.

SACRAMENTO -- Four months into California's landmark experiment with 
treating drug offenders as patients rather than criminals, officials are 
scrambling to cope with a clientele that is far more severely addicted than 

Planners predicted that most offenders diverted into treatment under 
voter-approved Proposition 36 would be low-level users in need of 
short-term outpatient therapy.

Instead, judges and others with a role in the new system say it is beset by 
hard-core addicts, many of whom have multiple convictions and need help 
with mental health problems as well. "These are clients who need intensive, 
highly structured residential treatment for a substantial period of time," 
said Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge Stephen V. Manley. "We simply 
don't have beds for them, and that's a very serious long-term problem for 
the state."

Manley was among two dozen witnesses at a legislative hearing Wednesday 
that offered the first broad assessment of Proposition 36, which triggered 
the most dramatic shift in criminal justice policy since passage of the 
three-strikes law. Approved by voters a year ago, Proposition 36 requires 
that nonviolent drug offenders be placed in treatment and on probation, 
rather than behind bars.

Backers of the groundbreaking initiative hope to place similar measures on 
the ballot next year in several states, so its record in California is 
being closely watched. Legislators also want to know whether the state's 
$120-million annual investment in drug treatment is paying off.

Wednesday's hearing provided no final answer to whether Proposition 36 is 
delivering on its ambitious promise--to reduce addiction, thin the prison 
population and save the state money. The first offenders only began landing 
in treatment in July, so it is too early for a sweeping verdict.

But experts--and recovering addicts--said the system, though still plagued 
by kinks, is funneling thousands of addicts into recovery.

"It has absolutely been an early success," said Chris Geiger of Walden 
House in San Francisco, a residential recovery program.

"It's helping me change myself into a productive person," said Jacquelyn 
Jones, 40, a 22-year crack addict living at Walden House. "Jail and prison 
only put your addiction at rest until you are released."

Though no statewide statistics are available, officials in most counties 
said their projections for the number of offenders receiving treatment 
through Proposition 36 are proving fairly accurate. The exception is Los 
Angeles, where the number of defendants opting for treatment is far lower 
than expected.

Most surprising is the proportion of offenders with a long history of drug 
abuse. Manley said that in Santa Clara and San Diego counties, about half 
of the clients have addictions spanning 10 years or more. Judges in Los 
Angeles report similar trends.

Under Proposition 36, offenders who go into treatment are sent to an 
assessment center, where officials gauge the severity of their drug 
problems and, in theory, assign them to appropriate treatment slots. 
Therein lies the problem.

In gearing up for the influx of Proposition 36 cases, county officials 
focused on creating outpatient slots suitable for low-level addicts. As a 
result, the wait for a spot in a Los Angeles-area residential treatment 
program can be four to eight weeks or more, said Los Angeles Superior Court 
Judge Michael Tynan.

"So we have many of our most severely addicted people sitting on waiting 
lists, and that doesn't help anybody," said Lael Rubin, special counsel to 
Los Angeles County Dist. Atty. Steve Cooley.

How government will expand residential treatment capacity is unclear. The 
state faces a budget crisis, and, as Tynan said, residential beds are 
"expensive, and you just can't create them overnight."

Even when funding is available, drug treatment homes invariably stir 
neighborhood opposition, witnesses said Wednesday.

"We consistently see 300, 400, 500 people at every hearing," Yvonne 
Frazier, administrator of San Mateo County's alcohol and drug programs, 
testified. "And there are usually about two speaking in favor."

Among the few pieces of concrete information emerging at the hearing was 
evidence that Proposition 36 is causing a dip in the state prison 
population. From July 1 through Nov. 4, the incarcerated population fell by 
2,400 inmates, a drop that corrections officials attribute mostly, though 
not entirely, to Proposition 36.

Considering that the state spends $25,000 annually on each prisoner, "we 
are already starting to achieve some savings because of Proposition 36," 
said Dan Carson of the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst's Office.

Another measure of the program came from the state parole board. Before 
Proposition 36, parolees who violated terms of their parole with low-level 
drug offenses, such as dirty drug tests, were often returned to prison.

Now, 140 parolees a week are diverted into drug treatment, and officials 
said most comply with such orders. Since July 1, only 31 warrants have been 
issued for parolees who did not follow through.
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