Pubdate: Fri, 16 Nov 2001 Source: Florida Times-Union (FL) Copyright: 2001 The Florida Times-Union Contact: Details: Author: Jim Schoettler Bookmark: (Corruption) DRUG DEALER'S SENTENCE CUT He Sparked Probe Of Police Corruption The Jacksonville drug dealer who kicked off a probe of police corruption that ended with officers Aric Sinclair and Karl Waldon charged with murder and other crimes got eight years shaved off his prison term yesterday for cooperating. But Abdul Robinson, whose help already got him the low end of a prison sentence on a drug conviction, angrily told U.S. District Judge Henry Lee Adams Jr. he deserved less than the 14 years he now must serve without parole. Robinson, 30, said the investigation would not have gone forward without his help and added that he put his family at risk by cooperating. "It's my belief that if I would not [have cooperated] with the government, the Sheriff's Office individuals would still be out there robbing and murdering innocent civilians," Robinson said during the court hearing. "I should be justly rewarded." Adams, citing Robinson's past as a drug dealer, dismissed his plea for a lighter sentence. Lead prosecutor Jim Klindt said the investigation would have gone on without Robinson and he doesn't intend to use him as a witness. Robinson's attorney, Mitch Stone, accepted the reduced sentence as the best available opportunity. Robinson and two other men, Derrick Smith and Dondricka Bates, were arrested in August 1999 for selling crack cocaine. At the time, Sheriff Nat Glover called them among the most notorious drug dealers in the city. All three men began cooperating with police, though Smith eventually stopped. A week after his arrest, Robinson told investigators that the group had been paying Sinclair as much as $2,000 a week for information about pending drug raids, the identity of a confidential informant and other police activity. Robinson also told investigators about Daryl Crowden, a drug dealer Robinson said introduced him to Sinclair. Police eventually used Crowden to make secret tape recordings of Sinclair they said implicated him in a series of crimes, including a role in the July 1998 slaying of convenience store owner Sami Safar. Information from Crowden and others also led investigators to Waldon, who is charged in the Safar slaying. Two other officers, Jason Pough and Reginald Bones, were also charged during the investigation. The officers were arrested in December, and all but Waldon have since pleaded guilty. Waldon's trial is set for February. Three weeks after Robinson first began cooperating, Adams sentenced him to the low end of a 22- to 27-year prison term for selling crack cocaine. Prosecutors told Adams that Robinson had been helpful in the police probe but not enough to warrant a special court motion to have his sentence further reduced. Klindt told the judge yesterday that Robinson's continued assistance and the use of Crowden since Robinson went to prison warranted the post-conviction relief. Though Robinson said he was being treated unfairly by not getting a lesser sentence, Adams disagreed. "While I'm sure the government appreciates his cooperation, I will not let the fact that he cooperated in a major case overshadow the fact that he's basically a cocaine dealer and has been for a very long time," Adams said. Klindt told Adams he won't use Robinson as a witness at trial because he gave at least one false statement to investigators and could be implicated in a homicide still under investigation. Robinson's criminal record includes three murder charges, all of which were never prosecuted. Klindt told the Times-Union the police probe has gone well beyond Robinson's initial contact. "Mr. Robinson's early cooperation jump-started our investigation, but he has never been the centerpiece and it would have proceeded without his assistance," Klindt said. "We believe the court's ruling recognizes the nature and extent of Mr. Robinson's cooperation." Stone said he was pleased that Klindt agreed to file a motion to reduce Robinson's sentence. "Having eight years taken off his sentence isn't something that I can complain about," Stone said. - --- MAP posted-by: Terry Liittschwager