Pubdate: Sun, 18 Nov 2001
Source: Calgary Sun, The (CN AB)
Copyright: 2001 The Calgary Sun
Author: Peter Smith


Organized crime gangs will be hitting Calgary harder than ever in the next 
few years, remaining active in drugs, hookers, fraud and auto theft, warn 

Police Chief Jack Beaton wants Calgarians to know the problems are coming, 
and police will need support in the operations they launch to combat 
organized crime.

Beaton addressed the upcoming problem in his business plan for 2002-2004, 
pointing out Calgary's new-found reputation as a major national and global 
business centre is attracting major criminals.

"As Calgary's economy continues to grow and attract new business, it can be 
expected that organized crime will become even further entrenched in the 
city," said Beaton.

"It will present significant crime concerns for citizens."

He vowed police will battle organized crime on every front.

"We may require support for policing initiatives to reduce illegal drugs, 
prostitution, commercial crime, auto theft and other types of organized 
crime," he said.

He singled out organized crime gangs running drugs as being recognized by 
both cops and citizens as one of the worst problems.

"Significant increases in the number of drug offences in the past five 
years is an indicator drugs are a major problem in Calgary," said the chief.

"It's known organized crime dominates the illegal drug trade." Marijuana 
addiction is worsening in the city, he said.

"For the first time ever, a report by the Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse 
Commission indicates more youth clients are addicted to marijuana than 
alcohol," said Beaton.
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