Pubdate: Fri, 16 Nov 2001
Source: Beckley Register-Herald (WV)
Copyright: 2001 The Register-Herald
Author: Letha Cline

I recently read the statements: All people will never be Christians so why 
try to change them and my lifestyle doesn't hurt others, so leave me alone.

The answer to the first question is God gave his people a commission in 
Matt. 28:19,20: "Go ye, therefore, and teach all nations ... teaching them 
to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you." My comment to the 
second statement is sin hurts everyone.

Four years ago, $12 billion in taxes went to the Public Agency of Child 
Welfare. More than 500,000 children were in foster homes. It cost $17,500 
to support each child. This did not include counseling or treatment for 

This year, $19.2 billion was spent nationwide on the drug war. Each year, 
approximately $45,000 is spent per AIDS patients; 851,000 cases are known 
to exist in the USA. Thirty million cases are known to exist worldwide and 
one million of these are children. This covers a small portion of the 
economical effect.

To discover the emotional aspects of evil, find a family that is dealing 
with the consequences of sin. Talk to this family and find out the 
hardships it faces. It will not be a fairy tale story. On Sept. 11 
Americans saw a glimpse of evil's capabilities when it is left unchecked.

Christians need to carry out their commission, for the USA is only as 
strong as the Americans' faith in and obedience to God.

Letha Cline, Clear Fork
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