Pubdate: Sun, 25 Nov 2001 Source: Orange County Register (CA) Copyright: 2001 The Orange County Register Contact: Details: Author: Gordon Wilson U.S. POWER AND CONTROL AT FRIGHTENING PROPORTIONS Aside from the fact that I regard it as much more of a persecution than a war, I would agree largely with the comments and concerns of Peter Schrag ["The medical-marijuana war," Commentary, Nov. 11]. Schrag rightfully questions the sanity of an expensive and intrusive federal attack on our sick and dying - via the medical marijuana distribution centers - ironically, at the very same time that our nation is supposedly on a high state of terrorist alert. Shouldn't the government be putting all of its priorities into protecting us, rather than harming us? And what gives it the right to override state law and protections in the process? We have long endured a futile and very expensive "War on Drugs," which has accomplished little other than to take away a number of our rights and clog our prisons. Drugs meanwhile are as plentiful as ever. And now we are being asked by the same federal government to sacrifice even more of our freedoms in the name of its new "War on Terrorism." I am too much of a realist to believe that the United States could wipe out all terrorism, even if it really wanted to. But I do know what it can do with ever more power and control - attained under the guise of fighting (certain) terrorism or (certain) drugs - and I am very frightened. Gordon Wilson, Laguna Niguel - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake